Inspired By: saraloveswifi whom wanted an update and since she is my fammie she gets one!
I could hardly see what was going on. My head was spinning and breathing was becoming a difficult task due to the high levels of radiation.
"Cywren?!" I heard Timebomb scream through the shatter-proof glass.
I drowsily found the number pad. I stared blankly at the glowing red numbers, trying to think of the code.
What could it be?
I slowly pressed the numbers 2 - 1 - 6 after applying another pack of RadAway in my bloodstream.
The machinery kicked on as I heard the glass crack. I quickly whipped my head around, spotting Timebomb's bloody fingers trying to pry the glass open.
The radiation level was lethal, yet I kept inhaling it.
"Timebomb... S-Stop..." I muttered, approaching the glass as I crashed on my knees.
"Cywren?!" He screamed as my eyes shut. I didn't have enough energy to keep opening my eyes.
"T-Timebomb..." I now whispered, placing my hand against the glass. I slowly pulled my eyes open, seeing the tears falling from his hazel eyes.
I slowly shook my head, feeling a tear stream down my cheek.
"I'm gonna get you out!" Timebomb yelled as I shook my head.
"N-No... L-Leave me here... Save y-yourself..." I whispered. He couldn't hear me, but he got the message.
"Lyons! Open the god damn door right now!" Timebomb screamed as Sarah knelt down next to him.
"Timebomb... You know I--"
"Just open the fucking door!" He yelled as I fell forward onto the glass, feeling my body go limp as I fell against the grating.
"I can't, Timebomb... She's gone..." Was the last thing I heard anyone say before my vision grew fuzzy.
Then black.
•••••Two Weeks Later•••••
"W-What..?" I whispered as I sat up, looking around the bright room.
"Careful now! Don't want to hurt yourself again!" Elder Lyons spoke as I looked around the room in confusion, a massive headache pounding at my skull.
"What happened? Where am I?" I softly mumbled, slowly looking up at the man.
"You did it! You started the purifier!" He yelled as I glared at him in shock.
"I-I did?" I whispered as he nodded with a grin while placing a hand on my shoulder.
"You're in the Citadel Infirmary, but don't worry... They've taken excellent care of you. And you better believe me, otherwise my doctors would've been torn limb from limb by your friend," He spoke with a chuckle as my eyes widened.
"Timebomb's here?" I asked with slight excitement as the elder chuckled again.
"Here? The boy has refused to leave for two weeks now!" Elder Lyons spoke while helping me stand up. I began stumbling around the room before I finally got the hang of walking again.
I began speed walking down each hallway, searching for my partner.
After a few minutes of nothing, I decided to go talk to the scribe, having nothing better to do at the moment.
"Come meet me in the lab in a moment," He said as I nodded, putting my head down and walking out.
I was cold, scared, confused, and alone.
I turned the corner, glaring at my boots as I looked up. Absolutely shocked.
"Cywren..?" He whispered as I slowly nodded my head.
"Y-Yeah..." I whispered as his eyes widened and he sprinted towards me, capturing me in his embrace.
"You were dead... They told me you were dead... I thought you were dead..." He whispered into my hair, holding me as tightly as possible.
"I did, too..." I whispered as he examined my face.
Hot tears strolled down both of our faces as he placed his lips against mine.
After a few seconds, we both pulled away for air. Our foreheads still touched as I stared into his flawless hazel eyes.
"But I'm still here..." I whispered as he kissed me again.
"Good... Because you scared the hell outta me..." He said, grabbing my hands as I let out a small laugh.
He removed one of his hands from my grip, using it to brush my bangs out of my face and straighten my glasses.
"But you're okay... And that's all that matters..." He said as I smiled.

Cybomb One-Shots
FanficAlright, as promised, here it is! Art and characters are not mine. Date Started: [5/30/16]