Inspired By: Hmm... Not getting any sleep at all last night...
Cywren sighed, her back pressed comfortably against the back of the couch. The TV was off and the room was silent, which was a rare occurrence in this house.
Timebomb had taken Rex and Quasar out for their morning walk, Veronica and Davey were out last minute Christmas shopping, Sarah, Bryan, and Copper were at the candy shop at the mall to get some ice cream for Bryan.
Cywren stood up and walked to the kitchen, her shoulder-length hair was in a short low ponytail. She poured herself a cup of coffee, filling it with french vanilla creamer to get rid of the black coffee taste.
She heard Timebomb yelling at the two dogs before he even opened the door, allowing a huge gust of wind to enter with him. The dogs ran up to Cywren and Timebomb's room to take a nap.
"Grumpy much?" Cywren asked with a cute giggle as Timebomb rolled his eyes.
"Quasar almost got hit by a car and Rex almost ate a cat..." Timebomb groaned as Cywren smiled, pouring Timebomb a cup of black coffee as well.
She watched him fall back on the couch as she sat down beside him, handing him his steaming mug.
"Thank you," He said as she nodded and smiled, taking a sip out of her mug.
Timebomb wrapped his arm around Cywren, causing light blush to appear on her cheeks. She was shaking from being so cold, even though Timebomb was walking around outside in below freezing weather.
"Jeez, Cy! Are you sick?" Timebomb asked in concern, noticing how frigid her skin was.
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little cold," She spoke, looking down at her feet before looking back up at her boyfriend.
"Cywren, you're freezing," Timebomb pointed out as Cywren shrugged.
"I'm fine," Cywren said as Timebomb groaned in annoyance, pulling his sweatshirt off, leaving him in a white t-shirt, and handing the sweatshirt to Cywren.
She looked puzzled for a second, looking down at the article of clothing.
"Put it on," Timebomb said as she nodded, sliding the large hoodie over her head. She smiled, the sleeves too long for her arms and the torso going past her knees.
"That sweatshirt is too big for me," Timebomb stated with a chuckle as Cywren giggled.
"It's a fabulous dress!" Cywren piped as they both broke out in laughter.
"A fabulous dress for a fabulous girl," Timebomb spoke, standing up and catching Cywren in his arms.
He placed his finger under chin, tilting her head up and placing his lips against hers. She wrapped her hands around his neck, the remainder of the long sleeves hitting his back.

Cybomb One-Shots
FanfictionAlright, as promised, here it is! Art and characters are not mine. Date Started: [5/30/16]