Chapter 3

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When I finally got to class, everyone's eyes were on me. It was different from the usual stares I got from being a model. "You must be the new student! Welcome to class! You are late, but I will let it go this time, since you're new. Sit anywhere you'd like." I nodded but realized that the only seat left was next to curly, i mean Harry. The first day of school is not as good as I thought it would be.

I didn't think people were this quick to judge people. The paparazzi were less judgemental than these people, if you even call them that! Fortunately, Harry didn't bother me, well except for the occasional glares and comments about me to his friends. When the bell rang, I sighed a breath of relief and quickly   rushed out of my seat, only for my fake belly to be stuck on the desk. Oh my gosh! what do I do? It's made out of a sack of water! What if it explodes? That's when Harry called his friends over to laugh at me. I could tell that Niall and Liam felt bad for me, but they chuckled anyway. I was on the edge of crying, when I realized that I was way better than these people. Eventually, they left and seconds later I freed my fake water belly from the desk.

It was finally the last class of the day. Finally! I hated the day so far...I have never been more humiliated in my life!! Since it was the last class, I was already used to people staring at me, so I just ingnored them and sat in the seat in the back closest to the window. I was looking out the window when a few seconds later, I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hi!" I think Niall said? He even smiled at me, but I bet he was just talking to me to make fun of me and embarass me like his group usually does.

I just looked away and he frowned. "I'm not gonna be mean to you. I just want to see if we could be friends." I was shocked. It didn't sound right, it must be a joke "Is this some kind of bet your friends made you do?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "No, no, not at all. Oh and I didn't catch your name?" "It's Barbara." Niall smiled and we started having a long conversation, getting to know each other. He was actually a pretty cool guy and he liked me for my personality and didn't care about what I looked like. 

Near the end of class, the teacher announced that we were having projects and were to be assigned with a student in the class. I groaned, what if I get put with someone that doesn't like me, which is like everyone in the class besides Niall. Then, the teacher started announcing names. "Abigail with Brian" "Nancy with Austin" "Alesha with Josh"..... I braced myself as I waited for my name to be called. "And finally, "Barbara with Niall". "YES!" Oops did I saiy that out loud too! My cheeks tinted pink and I quickly sat back in my seat. "Excited are we?" Niall laughed. Well, at least he didn't smirk.

When class was over, I followed him out. "So, should we meet at my house or yours?" I asked. "Yours, my brother would make fun of me and my mom would talk about me bringing my first girl home" We both chuckled and I told him I could drive him to my house.

He agreed and got to my car. He rushed to the driver seat and said, "Come on Barbs, hand me the keys." "I'm not letting you drive my baby. Do you even have a license?" He then looked at me with puppy dog eyes and pouted his lip. "Pweaaassseee!!"  "Okay, fine, but only this once, " I said chuckling.

When we finally made it to my house, I put a hand over my heart and rushed out the car. "Were you trying to kill us?" "Hey, don't judge, it was my first time!" Niall stated pouting. "THIS WAS YOUR FIRST TIME DRIVING?!?! You should've told me! I wouldn't have let you drive." "Yeah, that was the point. I wanted you to let me drive."

I huffed and pushed the key into the hole rushing into my house. "Are you mad at me?" Niall said, again pouting. I ignored him for fun and bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing. "Fine, have it your way." That's when Niall rushed over and poured water all over me. "Umm Ni this isn't the best way to apologize to someone, " I giggled, followed by his charming laugh. He looked really cute when he was  laughing. Wait, what did I just think? Niall would never think of me that way. I pushed the thought away and remembered something....

MY MAKEUP!! MY WIG! Oh my gosh, what if it comes of!!! Niall's gonna find out anyway, but I knew I could trust him. I grabbed his arm and led him up the stairs. When we got to my room, I started to take off my hoodie and pants, leaving me in a tank top and shorts. "Woah, woah, Barbara, what are you doing?" "Relax, Niall, it's not what you think, I need to show you something. I quickly rushed into the bathroom to take everything off, leaving Niall in my room.

When I got to the bathroom, I started by taking off my fake water belly. I took off my glasses and washed off the makeup and the fake pimples. Then, I took off my now lopsided red wig, leaving my brown hair in  a bun. I finished by applying mascara and my favorite pink lipstick. If I'm gonna tell someone my secret of being a model, I have to look the part right? 

"Hey, Barbara, you okay in there?" "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled. I finally let my hair out of my bun, it falling into loose waves flowing down my back. I looked into the mirror and changed my outfit into a victoria's secret tank and yoga shorts. 

Before leaving the bathroom, I glanced at the mirror and I looked pretty good for taking only five minutes. I held my breath and finally walked out the bathroom connecting to my bedroom. When I walked out, I looked up to see Niall gasp. "Barbara, is that really you?" "Yeah, I dressed up as a nerd so I could go to school without being noticed. I did that because I'm actually a Victoria's Secret model and I wanted people to treat me like they would if I wasn't famous. My model name is Barbie, so I used my real name Barbara" Niall scanned my body up and down, still in complete shock, but he quickly returned to his normal self. "You don't need to explain your modelling career. Every guy at school always talks about you, Barbara, or should I say Barbie!" Niall chuckled.

"Oh wow, did you talk about me?" Niall's face turned red and he nodded his head looking down. "Aww, Niall don't be embarassed!" I said, but he did look cute like that, if I say so myself. "Really, you think I'm cute?" Niall asked with a lopsided grin. I nodded and turned away. Oh curse me for always saying my thoughts out loud! 

"Anyway, I can't wait for the whole school to find out it's you! The looks on their faces would be completely priceless!" "But, Ni, we can't tell anyone! I want to be treated like a normal person!" "But, they're being mean to you. You should get back at them for that!"

"Lets just wait a couple of weeks to see how it goes. I'll give everyone a chance to be nice to me, before I reveal myself as a model." "Okay, but I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces, but mostly I can't wait to see your body!" Niall stated smirking, but I knew he was probably just joking. "Oh my gosh, Niall!" "What? I am a guy!" "Whatever!" I said, laughing. The rest of the day, we just ended up talking, completely ignoring the language arts project.

The Undercover Model Disguised as a Nerd? : One Direction Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now