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Being ripped away from kindred spirits was the worse thing that anybody could do to me. My family and I moved across the country because my dad obtained a new job at a firm. My stepmom encouraged him to pursue his dream but I guess I wasn't so fond of the idea because it was my stepmom's. I hadn't seen my mom ever since she became an alcoholic and decided that raising a kid wasn't for her. To my parents, I am the perfect daughter and I just abhor that I can't make one doltish mistake or it will drive them nuts. We lived in a gargantuan house that I am just waiting to get away from. Every individual's dream is to be just like me but I don't like the person my parents have convinced me to become and I definitely dislike this plastic life that so many desire. I want to experience the real world and not be sheltered in these walls that hold morose memories.

This municipality was nothing like my old town. People here are reserved to only one group of friends or 'clique' and they don't explore things beyond their limits and boundaries. I'm not a daredevil but being with the same unvaried human bodies can suffocate someone. The sun doesn't shine half of the time and children don't even play in the parks like they once used to. I feel like I am living in a ghost town and my opulent life can't fix that. At Pleasant Hill High School, I am your typical teenager who suffers from the praises of teachers. Of course, it's great that I'm going to an exceptional university but I just want to slip away from the reputation I have created for myself and just be the real me. All people talk about in school is the golden boy, Kade Carson and honestly, I am not too far away from that but since I am the 'new girl' I don't have all eyes on me.

Gossip in this school spreads like wildfire. I have been in this school long enough to know that if you fuck up once, everybody finds out and they either decide to judge you or laugh at you. I want people to realize that what they are now won't matter in a few years. Nobody cares if you were the outcast back in high school, people just want to make a living and survive the economic issues of today. The halls are always filled with the ridiculous chuckles of those that think aesthetically.


"Marigold! It's time to get up. You need to be at school in an hour!" Marissa yelled from my door.

I rubbed my eyes and tried to process what was going on. I think that having an alcoholic mother was more desirable than an annoying stepmom that was always on your ass. Love must really delude people.

Getting out of my bed I headed towards the bathroom to get ready. I try to take as long as possible each day because I'm not in the mood for bullshit. I never go all out with what I wear but I must walk out of my house dressed up like a pampered princess to satisfy my parents and keep them from nagging. On a daily basis, the first thing I do when I get to school is head to the bathroom to change into sweatpants and a sweater and vice-versa in the afternoon. It just screams school spirit and consideration to the judgment.
Don't you just hate those that stop in the middle of the hallway to talk when you need to get somewhere? It's even worse when you have stuck up pricks block your way to commend the providential Kade Carson. I have nothing against the guy but get a hint. In some people's eyes, you are nil. Walking by their snarky comments is not the ideal way to start the day. I get to my locker and opened it throwing my bag in while grabbing a book. As I closed the locker door, I noticed James leaning on the wall of lockers.

James was like the brother I always wanted. He could possibly be an even better father than the hypocrite of a father I wish I didn't have. When I first arrived at the school James was the first to approach me. It's been him and I for the past few months. We were basically the outcasts at school. While others were too busy with their social status, we talked about real world problems and our favorite books at the moment.

"Hey, how's life?" he asked.

"Horrible like always. I had to walk around those idiots" I answered.

"Come on. You're pissed because of that?"

"No. I'm incensed because my life is a disaster. I need to change each morning because my parents hate the person I really am. They think I'm a disgrace, I hate my stepmom, and I hate this stupid school and the people in it."

"Sometimes you are too much to handle. How about I buy pizza?"

"Yes! I love you! I'm having a 'spectacular' day now!"

"Let's go"

He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria to eat lunch. Our table consisted of only the two of us. We usually just grab lunch and read our books at the lunch table or sometimes we would talk about things that would enhance our high school experience.

"Marigold I saw a poster today that could possibly interest you."

"What?" I said while stuffing my face with the pizza he bought me.

"They are having auditions for the talent show. I think you should do it. Your singing is amazing."

"No, I don't want to be part of a talent show that is coordinated by imbeciles."

"I think you owe me." He said pointing at the pizza.

"Ugh! I knew there was a catch, you can't make me do it, I'm almost done with this slice anyway. I could just pay you back."

"How about the time you needed help sneaking out to a concert and who was your driver that night?"

"Fine, I'll audition prick."

"Thank you loser."

" I'm going to cut your precious temple off if you push my buttons one more time."

"But I can't have kids without it. I love you, Margi."

"Fuck off."

I grabbed my book and walked out of the cafeteria. I sometimes regret putting myself out there to certain people. James is a great friend but he can be really annoying sometimes.


There were five minutes before the bell rang to dismiss the students. I asked for a bathroom pass and went to go change. I had two minutes to spare before the bell rang. On my way out, I bumped into somebody in the hall.

"Sorry" said the deep voice.

"You should watch where you're going prick!" I said without seeing who it was.

As I looked up to see the person's face I realized it was the infamous Kade Carson.

"Oh, you're the new girl. You look different."

"Yeah you never saw me. Okay?"

"Yeah, but why hide this?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"I..." He was interrupted by the sound of the bell and that was the perfect time to run.

I started sprinting towards the exit. I ran towards my Range Rover, starting the engine and I drove out of the student parking lot. Nobody knew my secret accept James and now Kade Carson knew too.

My life is a mess.

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