Chapter 3

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"Alannah, where are you?" I hear Zan ask.

"In here!" I yell from one of the kitchen cabinets.

"What the fuck?" Zan mumbled, opening the cabinet and finding me curled up into ball with a bunch of food around me.

"Can I help you?" I ask him annoyed that he disturbed my feeding.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Zan asked very slowly as if I was stupid or something.

"Stuff." I mumbled,

"Well hurry up?" Zan snapped,

"Why?" I ask,

"Because the Williams left..." Zan said,

"But isn't that a better reason for me to stay in here?" I asked,

"No... Because they are coming back tonight for dinner." Zan explained,

"Exactly its 1:06 p.m., so I have more than enough time to get ready before they come." I said in duh tone.

"Little sis..." Zan said before I interrupted,

"Only by five minutes." I put in,

"Whatever, I'm sending you to get ready now because I know you well enough to know that you're going to take about two-three hours in the shower, thirty minutes to pick something to wear, twenty minutes to put on the clothes that you choose, and 10 minutes to get down here and all because of your laziness." Zan said with a satisfied grin.

"Whatever and it's not called laziness." I said, rolling my eyes at him and munched on an Oreo.

"Oh yeah, so what is it then?" Zan pushed on,

"It's called power saving mode." I said with a smug look,

"Whatever, I just thought you might want to look good for Mr. Hubba Hubba." Zan said with a grin.

"BASTARD." I cursed, shooting daggers at him. That was personally not my greatest moment if I do say so myself.

"Hahahaha! You should have seen your face. You were practically eye raping him and you were drooling! OH GOD!! THAT WAS SOOO FUNNY!!" Zan said, rolling around the floor laughing like a crazy man.

"Hmmp, whatever." I said, closing the cabinet door.

After about ten minutes of stuffing my face with snacks and scrolling through my R rated yaoi, I wiggled out of the cabinet and made my way to my room to get ready.

"I don't take so long to get ready." I mumbled to myself as I stepped into my room. Putting on my iPod and connecting it to my speaker I decided to put it on shuffle. "The Man by: Aloe Blacc Aloe" came on first.

Stepping into the shower, I decided to wash my hair with coconut scented shampoo. After shampooing, I rinsed it out and put coconut scented conditioner. After washing my hair, I scrubbed and washed my body.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a blue fluffy towel. I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet. Heading out to the back I stopped at a shelf and saw a book on jokes. Seeing that it was only 3:28 so I decided to read it for a bit.

*Guy from SpongeBob* *2 hours later*

"Mmmmm." I yawn stretching.

"What the..." I mumbled confused looking around realizing I'm in my closet, I stand up only for my towel to fall.

"ARRGH." I say in frustration.

"Yeah, you staying right there, I'm too lazy to pick you up." I said to the towel on the floor.

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