c h a p t e r s i x

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•Wolfsoul's POV•
Wolfsoul sat on the bank. Alabaster stars sparkled in the surrounding night sky. He gazed into the rippling, gray water as it splashed around his paws. His reflection remained the same as always, and he found it discouraging somehow.
Until the water crashed upward, shattering his reflection. He whipped around, but relaxed when he saw an amused Brooksong. She had splashed him; Wolfsoul's pelt was soaked head to tail. He rolled his eyes, his gaze affectionate.

Brooksong shifted her weight onto her haunches, settling onto the sand. The gray she-cat's voice cut through the silence. "You know, I use to always come here." Brooksong's gaze drifted out to the wide sea. Her eyes glinted wistfully as she continued. "You never know where the water ends, no matter how hard you look at it. But that just makes it more interesting." She tipped her head to one side with fascination, gaze fixed on the black sea highlighted blue by the wan white moon. Wolfsoul purred and nuzzled her shoulder, twining their tails. Brooksong let out a mrrow of surprise, but relaxed and began purring.
"I think that's very clever of you to say," Wolfsoul mewed.
Brooksong felt her cheeks heat up as she grinned. She suddenly leapt up with outstretched paws and shoved him playfully into the water. He toppled into the frigid sea, later surfacing with a gasp; his sleek brown fur plastered to his sides as his dilated eyes gave Brooksong a look. "What was that for?" He snorted, but his gaze softened as he saw amusement flashing in her eyes. His tail tip twitched.
"Not for the time you yelled at me, that's for sure." She mewed sarcastically.
"I thought we were over that," he sniffed.
Brooksong nuzzled his chest fur affectionately. They began purring into each other's warmth. Her voice came out unusually light and gingerly. "Look, I-"
A splitting pain pierced Wolfsoul's side, and in the next moment he was slammed against the ground. He whisked around to see a dark gray tabby with phosphorescent amber eyes glaring eternally into him. Screeching and yowling filled the vicinity; it was a raid.
Wolfsoul forced his hinds against Coalmask's stomach, breaking the cinch. As the gray tabby was thrown off balance, Wolfsoul surged forward, plummeting his paw down on his assailant's cranium. Dazed, Coalmask staggered backward. The brown tabby aimed a blow on Coalmask's chest before the gray tabby stood upright. The tabby rapidly raced around Wolfsoul, confusing him. His intense gaze flickered side to side in search of the ashen gray cat.
Sharp claws struck his side with the impressive qualities of lightning, and for a moment, the brown tabby ceased to react as pain stung his flank. He felt the ground give way as he was instantaneously thrown off his paws, landing against the forest floor. Wolfsoul lied there, his scars burning like flames as he convulsed now and again.
A memory entered his mind. A beautiful gray and white cat was sitting in front of him, her blue eyes shining. She tipped her head with a polite grin. His golden eyes blazed with tenacity. Slowly he rose into a crouch, glancing around. The outline of Coalmask leapt toward the brown tabby. Rolling aside, Wolfsoul avoided. He leapt up, hooking his claws into the dark tom's pelt. Coalmask managed to shake him off, tracking his claws down the tabby's cheek. Wolfsoul sank his claws into Coalmask's shoulders, forcing his weight against him. Pinning the deceptive tom, Wolfsoul felt fangs tear into his neck. The brown tom wrenched away, blood flinging from his wounds. He managed to dig his claws into the gray tabby's throat, crimson spattering his paw. The faint glimmer in Coalmask's eyes dimmed. He pulled away, his breathing uneven. Wolfsoul gazed around frantically for Brooksong, but she was out of sight.
Jaws interlocked with his scruff, shaking him rapidly. He felt his vision dim as his attacker drained his remaining stamina. Blood dripped from his injuries as he let his eyes close, darkness flooding his surveillance.
Suddenly Wolfsoul was dropped onto the ground. He opened his bleary eyes to see Brooksong in the corner of his vision. The tabby stood up shaking; his gaze cast to Brooksong as she attacked his assailant. She had saved him.

A thick splash of blood slowly streamed out into Wolfsoul's vision. Time seemed to collapse on itself as he saw a familiar cat cast a sharp, emerald glare on him, piercing into him. He stared in horror at the white tabby as though it were an anomalistic illusion cascading in front of him. His vision clouded as he remembered when they grew up together yet apart; sparring as apprentices in training, hunting and battling as warriors, then snapping off like an asperous tree's lithe branches at the dawn of war. Dovestar.
Wolfsoul yowled and leapt at her, fury pulsing in his claws. As he landed, he scraped up only shreds of grass. She was gone. ShadowClan cats poured after Dovestar as she retreated back into the marsh where Wolfsoul once lived.

Brooksong was on the ground. Wolfsoul quickly padded toward her and nuzzled her. Blood flowed from the slim gray she-cat's throat as she gazed up at him lovingly. "I.. I think I really like you." She whispered gently. "I have a feeling... that you would be a good leader.." Her voice was faint and her wounds were bleeding out. "Goodbye, Wolfsoul." Brooksong's breathing slowed, her eyes darkening. Wolfsoul could do nothing until he felt her go limp. "No... no," he whispered. His weak paws trembled underneath him; an agonizing knot built in his throat, shallowing his breath. The world collapsed around him, spiraling him downward into an abyss of darkness. There was nothing left except the clamor of the falls weighing down on his pelt and pressing him down. Sheer cold gripped him with sharp claws as he felt himself snap. "Get away from me!" He yowled, whipping around. His eyes burned with a wild light, his fangs bared as he addressed his startled Clanmates with a furious gaze. His black claws flexed instinctively as fury and dread poured through him. His head drooped, a tuft of fur falling over his face. Wolfsoul shook, staring down at his blood soaked paws. He felt a cold shiver run through him. I'll kill Dovestar.

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