c h a p t e r n i n e

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Harsh yellow light streamed onto the canopy of trees, turning them golden. Clouds streaked the amber sky as the sun began to draw beneath the trees, still sharing its bright light with the forest. A glade lay ahead of the cats, sprawled out across the territory.

Wolfsoul trod the ground carefully, twitching his whiskers to check the scents around him for any ShadowClan patrols. As he scanned his surroundings, he suddenly picked up an odd scent, then realized it was the Thunderpath. Wrinkling his nose, the tabby followed the battle patrol onto the border between RiverClan and ShadowClan.

"Don't move until I say so," Wavestar's firm voice rang out clearly as they approached the black river. Wolfsoul saw most of the cats tense up as two strong yellow lights beamed out in front of them and a monster raced past, its roar drowning out everything else. Wavestar bunched her muscles as another blur slipped across the dark path.
"Run!" The gray she-cat yowled, her voice echoing in his ears.
As if on his legs' own will, Wolfsoul felt himself dart forward; his claws extending to latch onto the astonishingly cold surface that crackled through his pads, and thrust himself onto the other side, almost as though he hadn't touched the gritty, black ground. As he felt the contrastingly soft grass surface beneath him, he flopped down onto the viridescence in exasperation, liberating a long sigh.

As another monster passed, a yowl sounded from behind him, drawn out in an agonizing wail. Quickly he spun around, feeling the fur along his back rise. The tabby's eyes dilated, his pupils slitting in fear. Blood was grotesquely strewn across the Thunderpath. Wolfsoul gasped sharply as he realized who the cat was, feeling his throat swell with anguish.
"Wavestar!" Azureflame called desperately. She flung herself at the she-cat, touching her head to Wavestar's and trying to hold onto her.

Then Wolfsoul knew. Wavestar had crossed last after making sure the patrol made it. If she hadn't done that, I would be the one laying there...

Rushing to the wise she-cat's side, he saw for the first time weakness in her gaze. Was this a sign for peace or for war between RiverClan and ShadowClan? She couldn't have died in vain, but yet...

Vibration fizzed beneath his paws. Glancing sideways, roaring erupted before a harsh light came into view.
Instinctively he interlocked his jaws with Azureflame's scruff, bowling her over onto the grass. The brown tabby leapt for his leader, but decided it was too late. He struggled toward the other side, barely managing to cross before a monster revved down the path with a loud boom.

As he glanced back, he observed that blood had already managed to soak the ground no more than a few fox lengths in front of him. Wavestar was gone.

Wolfsoul pinned his ears to his head, his claws sinking deep into the earth. He felt his whole world spinning upside down, as though it were a nightmare he could never blink away. A low growl fell from his jaws almost involuntarily. The tabby's yellow eyes shadowed. He felt someone nuzzle his side, but he couldn't pay attention to it.

"Are you alright?" Her voice was shockingly gentle. Suddenly he knew it was Azureflame. He felt a thousand of his feelings melting away into something he couldn't express.

All he managed was to meet her gaze, confusion replacing his emotions. But he nodded distantly and turned away from the mysterious dark gray she-cat.

Feeling himself fade back into reality, he heard a choking sound followed by a crash. Wavestar's convulsing body lay on the grass beside him; some cat must have dragged her from the Thunderpath. He realized one of her forearms were dislocated, and an intimidatingly monumental gash raced down either side of her body. Wolfsoul flinched as he saw cerise blood profusely streaming from more than one wound across her figure.

Shinepaw let out a long wail for the leader; being such a young cat must have made it significantly horrifying to watch this happen. As he glanced over, he saw that even the warriors looked equally terrified.

Wolfsoul felt as lost and helpless as a blind kit. It took a moment for it to dawn on him that Azureflame would be the new leader. Worries buzzed in his mind uncontrollably. Does she care about me, or is she pretending?

As the brown tabby looked on, he realized that Wavestar wasn't coming back. Azureflame didn't send anyone to get the medicine cat, and he wondered whether things would be different if she had.

We have to go back, he reflected sullenly. How will the Clan react?

But he forced himself to trail back to camp along with the patrol. Everything felt so unreal to Wolfsoul. He began to think there was no emotion left inside him as they plodded toward their territory.

Another thought struck him. Azureflame is going to be leader. Who will she choose for deputy?

His heart stopped as he remembered Brooksong's final words. "I have a feeling... that you would be a good leader.."

Almost at once he felt again the warmth of her sweet-scented pelt stroking against his fur. He wanted to bathe in her scent for moons. "Come home, Wolfsoul." She murmured.

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