c h a p t e r s e v e n

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The steel blue sky was a river of darkness;
the cold air hung heavy with humidity, the clouds gray with moisture. Velutinous undergrowth laid beneath a dark sky. White mist shrouding the forest cast an eerie blur, the shrill call of a blackbird sounding overhead.

A gray tom padded across the clearing. His shoulder was torn and fresh scars crisscrossed his ragged pelt. A particular slash between his shoulders was gushing, but his fathomless yellow eyes still glowed with triumph. RiverClan had won against ShadowClan.

"Shallowstream, you're hurt!" A ginger and white tom fretted, rushing to the gray warrior. His tail flicked in vexation, eyes wide with terror.
"It's alright. I didn't plan on surviving anyway," the wounded tom breathed. "But I did plan on living." His eyes sparkled with wisdom. "And that I have done."

Wolfsoul twitched in his dreamless sleep. A law prodded him in the side once, sending him back to reality. The brown tabby laid his paw over his eyes, trying to prevent the creamy sunlight from disturbing his nap. A harsher paw jabbed him again. Grumbling, Wolfsoul removed his paw and opened his eyes. A she-cat with glittering azure eyes loomed above him. Her fur was a dark gray, almost jet black; the tips of her ears were tufted like a lynx's. Her tail lashed irritably. "Get up; the prey isn't gonna catch itself."

Wolfsoul stretched his legs behind him, feeling a rush of energy. He heaved himself onto all fours and reluctantly nodded agreement. She began to pad away, signaling with her tail to follow. The tabby stepped out of his moss bed, giving his pelt a shake. A nice hunt would get his mind off of things.

Pale orange light streamed through the camp, highlighting Wolfsoul's frame as he emerged from the den. Wavestar was already assigning the dawn patrols. The gray she-cat's blue eyes scanned the clearing.

"Azureflame, you lead the hunting patrol." The dark she-cat's ear flicked.
So that's your name, Wolfsoul recognized.
"Hawklight, Dawnstripe and Wolfsoul will join you."
A pale tabby tom padded beside Wolfsoul, followed by an orange she-cat with golden markings. They proceeded to the entrance of camp, and headed out. Azureflame sniffed around and ensconced near a stream. Wolfsoul parted his jaws to taste the air and picked up the scent of squirrel. He was about to stalk towards it when he was abruptly stopped by a fierce claw on the tail. The dark tabby spun around in confusion to be met with blazing blue eyes.
"We hunt in the rivers, you mangy crow-food," she snapped. Wolfsoul flinched at her tone. Azureflame turned and stalked away, her tail flicking behind her. He hung his head, feeling a vague chill. He was never truly wanted.

A frigid mist surged around the brown tabby. A gray sky was brooding above, smudged with white; a silver moon cast shining light over the towering trees. Jet black shadows covered the jagged cliffs and pooled on the grass. A black she-cat with yellow eyes prowled the vicinity, her lean, moonlit figure nothing more than a white outline. Wolfsoul sensed her presence, his tail swaying happily. "Crypticwish!"
She leapt down from the cliff in a series of bounds. Her feral eyes glowed with a harsh light. The tabby tom flinched as he heard her claws clicking on the ground.
A sharp set of claws slashed at his eye, tracking blood down his face. Wolfsoul staggered, cowering down in fear of his mate. "What are you doing?!" He cried out. The ebony she-cat's eyes glittered with fury. "You let our kit die!" She hissed, her claws sinking into the ground.
"N-no, I didn't think..."
"You worthless piece of mangy crow-food!"
Crypticwish raised her paw to strike again. Fear suddenly flashed in her eyes as she stared at something distant.
Rats surged upon her from every direction, causing her to let out an agonized screech. Wolfsoul found himself frozen to the spot as he watched the dark wave of rats tear at her fur and flesh. "Help me!" Another screech split the empty air. Her dreadful gaze locked with his as blood trickled down her pelt. Scarlet rippled through the air and stained his mate's fur. Crypticwish attempted to dash away, but countless rats had embedded their fangs into the bone. Dark blood oozed from the fathomless incisions dappling her coat. The she-cat fell against the ground, convulsing in terror. Rats tore through her skin until her bones were showing here and there. Her breathing quickened, turning into anguished gasps. Wolfsoul wanted to cover his ears as he heard an artery or two snap with an atrocious gush of dark crimson. Bloody patches of stringy flesh grotesquely littered the ground and her pelt. Sharp, uneven gasps fell from Crypticwish's mouth, scarlet dripping down her jaw. Her long claws sank into the earth, sending up a spray of crimson stained grass. A horrible cracking sound filled the vicinity, punctuated by an abrupt yowl. Suddenly everything was still. The rats darted off in a large cluster, leaving behind the remains of a ghostly carcass.
•Flashback Over•

Wolfsoul blinked. The brown tabby trembled, his eyes focused on the ground. His claws flexed as Crypticwish's grizzly demise flashed in his mind repeatedly.
"Wolfsoul!" A voice rang in his ear. He lifted his head to see Hawklight gazing at him warily. The pale tabby's amber eyes glinted with worry.
"Leave me alone!" Wolfsoul hissed, his teeth clipping ferociously. The pale tom's ears flattened as he turned and sped away.

Wolfsoul padded toward a river and sat down. Gazing at his reflection, he remembered Brooksong. "You never know where the water ends, no matter how hard you look at it. But that just makes it more interesting." He pronounced under his breath. I'll find where the water ends.

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