Chapter 15

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niall shifted on his spot on the couch downstairs.

the only light for niall was the light coming off of the tv, an old movie playing with a volume low.

nialls sleep kept being disturbed.

niall heard a sudden and quick sound, as if someone just sucked in a huge amount of breath but had sound with it.

niall woke up, his head had been resting in the arm rest and his legs lay out in front of him.

he took up the entire sofa.

he sat up, it was dark, not a single light was on.

he looked at the end of the couch, a large, broad figure sat.

he sat not on the couch but in front of it, his back meaning against the couch.

the broad shoulders fell up and down, small, barely audible sounds could be heard.

hitched breathing and quiet humming.

the figure sat with his legs pulled up and his hands pressed against his temples, running slowly in a circular motion.

from nialls angle, the persons face wasn't clearly seen.

you could see the outline of the masculine face and from what niall could tell, this person was definitely not happy.

niall sat up, pulling his legs closer and watched carefully.

it was obvious it was nate who sat there.

but why?

niall glanced at the clock above the tv that read, 1:45 AM, a tick tock sound could be heard.

a loud sob came from nate, nialls head snapped to the direction of this cry.

nialls eyes were wide, filled with curiosity and confusion.

nate doesn't cry, he never has.

niall quieted his breathing, almost holding it so nate wouldn't notice that he was awake.

nate let out another sob, which niall cringed at.

it was painful to hear someone cry.

even if it was someone who deserved to cry, it still hurt.

nate covered his entire face with his two, large hands. he wept into his hands, muffled cried were heard by niall.

his cries got louder and louder by the second, he began hiccuping and shaking his head slightly, as if he was saying no.

niall scootched forward slightly, raising his hand to place it on nates shoulder, having enough with hearing him cry.

nialls hand was only inches away from nate before nate let out a small grunt, his body making a sudden movement.

he balled his fists and in frustration, pulled at his hair.

niall immediately pulled his hand back, bringing it to his chest.

niall moved to an angle on the sofa in which he could see nates face better.

nate had tear stained cheeks, red and swollen eyes with bags underneath.

his lip was trembling and his posture was very tense.

he was still wearing his work clothes, tight dress pants and an itchy shirt.

nates face was filled with anger and sadness.

niall thought for a second that he saw regret.

nate cried loudly.

he let out a small shriek into his hands, a shriek full if grief and roughly bit his lip.

the loud noise was  followed by nate getting onto his knees and holding his hands together as if to pray. 

he whispered to himself, unheard by niall due to the tv playing.

nate sobbed as he whispered.

"oh god."

those were the only words that Niall could  understood coming from nate.

niall was eager to listen to everything so he grabbed the remote from the sofa and muted the tv.

nate noticed that niall was awake but he couldn't care less.

he was in far too much pain.

"pleas help her, please, please, please." nate cried.

nate wiped his eyes furiously.

"my poor mother is sick, she's dying and she's ill." nate said. "i left her when she needed me and now she's going to be gone forever."

niall listened carefully to every word that left nates mouth.

nialls mouth was open in shock.

"i fucked up and now she's paying for me." nate said. "oh god, please help her."

nialls eyes watered a little but he didn't move to wipe his eyes.

the year fell from the bottom of his eyes leashes and rolled down to his chin and fell.

"i'm going to lose her- hell, i've already lost her." nate whimpered. "and now i'm going to-"

nates voice cracked and his sobs became violently loud.

"now i'm going to lose niall and jack." nate managed to say. his voice wasn't deep this time, it was lighter and sounded more like a scream. high pitched, full of emotions that nate had never felt before.

niall got down on the floor, moving close to nate and sitting just like him.

on their knees the two were.

"oh god, forgive me for what i did." nate begged. "i've never regretted something so much."

niall raised his hands and brought it close to his face.

"i forgive nate, god, can you do the same?" niall said which was barely audible, looking up the ceiling.

niall understood nates situation and forgave him instantly.

nate looked at niall and pulled him into a huge hug, resting his chin in nialls head and crying.

the smaller boy let the tears fall and hugged nate back.

nate wrapped his arms around niall and the two sat there.

nate hates himself for changing but he couldn't help but let he stress get to himself.

at least niall forgave him.

nate just needed to build their trust again and hope for the best for his mom.

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