Chapter 6

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Niall had been very careful.

He tried his best not to get in trouble. Sometimes, he would lie to stay out of trouble because he knew Nate would go extra hard in Niall.

Niall has been warned way too many times to make another mistake. He should be a perfect, obedient child.

And he was.

Nate was impressed with how good Niall had been lately and decided to take the boys out for ice cream after dinner.

He heard marble slab was a great place for ice cream and it had plenty of toppings to choose from.

They were all sitting in this car driving to here destination.

The ice cream shop was only a 10 minute drive but that was enough to get Niall and Nathaniel fighting.

"Can you get your leg off of me?" Niall asked politely.

Both Jack and Nathaniel knew Niall wasnt actually being polite, only acting nice in front of Nate.

Nathaniel was basically their brother now.

"No." Nathaniel stuck his tongue out.

"Ugh!" Niall groaned. "Please?"

Nathaniel shook his head. He knew he was bothering Niall and that's what he wanted.

Niall pushed Nathaniels leg off of him and Nathaniel being the dramatic boy he is, starting acting all hurt.

"Ow!" Nathaniel began fake crying but Nate believed him.

"Don't fake!" Niall said.

Jack rolled his eyes and put his earphones on.

"I'm not! That actually hurt! Ow!" He whined.

"Rightttt, I know you well enough to know you're faking." Niall said.

"I'm almost 7!I won't fake cry!" Nathaniel defended himself.

When Nathaniel saw that Niall wasn't listening, he elbowed Niall.

Niall was in the middle seat, Nathaniel in the right and Jack in the left. Nobody sat in the passenger seat.

"Ow!" Niall whimpered. "Idiot!"

"Aye! Don't say that, Niall." Nate scolded. Nate could only listen to some things the boys said, he was focused on driving.

"He just elbowed me, Nate!" Niall tattled.

"Uh, you hurt my leg!"

"No, I only moved it off of me!"

"By moved you mean push my leg!" Nathaniel said.

"No, I mean moved." Niall crossed his arms.

"Then you'd be lying. Liar, liar!"

Niall sighed. He needed to stay calm and not break Nathaniel's neck otherwise he'd break his streak of being a good boy.

"When are we gonna be there?" Niall asked Nate.

"Huh? Oh, about 2 minutes, its right at the end of this road." Nate said. Nate was at a stop light.

He waited for the green to come up.

"Go now." Niall said as the light turned green.

"He knows when to go, he has a licence. " Nathaniel sassed.

Spank Fic//Nate GarnerWhere stories live. Discover now