Chapter 4

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I woke up early and started packing more things for Ethan's and I's little trip, but I started getting myself ready at 1:30 pm. I was getting ready, putting my hair up in a bun when I heard my phone ring. I looked at the Caller ID before tapping answer. It was Ethan. I almost lost my sanity when I saw his name flash on my phone, but I knew I couldn't act like a child over it. I needed to be friendly. Sexy. I cleared my throat and exhaled a deep breath before answering.


"Good Sabrina. You picked up. I thought you were going to go to voicemail."
I gave a small laugh as I didn't know what to say. I rolled my eyes at myself.
"Well I just called to say there has been a change of plans."

"Oh?" I said getting slightly nervous.
Hopefully we can still go on the trip.

"Don't worry we're still going to St. Louis." He paused letting me release a relieved sigh. "We're just going on my private jet." He added on the end.

"What!?" I asked before I could even recollect my thoughts. "I mean, that's great!"
I covered up.

"Are you okay Sabrina?"

"I'm fine. I just didn't expect us to be on your jet."

"'re okay with that, right?" He asked slowly.

"Of course!" I reassured him.

"Okay well it's still leaving at the same time we planned."

"Okay. Will you just text me the location?"

"Of course. I'll see you in a minute."

I smiled. "Can't wait."
I hung up after that.

I drove to the location he sent me via text. I waited outside a gate that I had to put a code in, but when I did, it opened to a driveway up a hill. It wasn't exactly a secluded area as Ethan's huge house was, but there wasn't many things around. I parked off to the side, far enough away from the plane before getting out. The smell of rain was the first thing my nose came in contact with while my eyes saw the grey clouds. Hopefully the rain would hold off until we landed. I opened my trunk to get my bag. I looked around when I got it out to see if Ethan or anyone was around to help me onto the jet.
I walked towards the first guy I saw. Well, I saw the back of his head first as he was turned away from me.

I walked over to him and dragged my luggage with me. I should probably get a suitcase that has wheels on it next time.
"Excuse me sir." I pronounced and lightly tapped on his shoulder.

The man turned around to look at me with an arched eyebrow, and I nearly gasped in his face when we made eye contact. My eyes widened and mouth fell ajar at the guy's face. He looked exactly like Ethan, yet he had more of a boyish look to him. He also has a freckle on his chin and light brown hair whereas Ethan had black swoopy hair.

He laughed when he saw my reaction. "You must be Sabrina, my twin brother's secretary."
He held out his hand for me to shake. I was still quite thrown off at how identical they looked though Ethan did tell me before he had a twin. It took me a second, but I closed my mouth quickly to put on a shy and embarrassed smile before shaking his hand.
"Pleased to meet you. My brother talks a lot about you."

We broke our handshake after his statement. I could feel myself blushing, and I was praying that his brother wouldn't notice behind my brown skin.
"Oh, the pleasure's all mine Mr. Dolan."

"Please call me Grayson."
I nodded and held my smile remembering when Ethan told me the same thing. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. He averted his attention to the green lush mountains ahead of us that was covered by the fog.
"You excited to go to Soho?"

"Oh, we're actually going to St. Louis, but yes! It'll be my first time ever going to Missouri."
He chuckled for some reason, but I didn't think too much of it. Then, I thought of Ethan and where he was.
"Excuse me if I'm being rude, but where's Ethan?" I asked him.

He looked down and licked his lips that pulled into a smirk. I'm not sure why, but I gave him a smile in return.
"He's in the house down the hill. I could walk you down there if you would like?"

"I didn't even know you guys had a house down here!" I said in shock.
How much property does Ethan own?

"I say we go check it out." He suggested.
He picked up my bag before I could agree and lead the way.

"Oh, you don't have to carry all that heavy weight." I agrued reaching for my bag, but he moved it out of my reach.

"It's no problem, and you lied. It's not even heavy."

I giggled at that, and thanked him afterwards. During our walk down there, I noticed Grayson and Ethan had a slight overlapping personality. Both were serious and attentive in a sexy way though Grayson was more focused on making jokes rather than Ethan who was looking for intellect. We walked through the side glass door of the vast windowed wooden penthouse.

It was warm when we entered the house. I looked around the room in awe at how big and beautiful it was. It was very cozy and classy. Leather brown couches beside the fire, but white soft rugs beneath it and a glass table in the middle. I heard Grayson place my bag down and his footsteps walk towards me. I looked to the side of me when I felt his presence.

"Are you going to St. Louis with us?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but someone already beat him to it.

Ethan's POV:
"No he's staying here." I told Sabrina before Grayson got the chance to answer her.

They both turned around to look at me leaning against the wooden doorway. Grayson gave me a look which I returned back to him before putting on a smile for Sabrina. She smiled back bigger and made her way over to me.

"Ethan! I was looking for you!" She cheered before pulling me in a hug.

I was slightly taken off guard, but I didn't hesitant to press her closer to me. She's so small and warm like a teddy bear. I looked up at Grayson through my eyelashes and gave him a cocky smirk. I know what he was trying to do, and he's stupid to think I didn't. We're twins for fucks sake.

Sabrina broke away from our hug, but I just wanted to pull her back and keep her there. She was so cuddly and soft, yet so sexy and arousing. She smiled up at me before looking back at Grayson sharing the same smile. She's so damn friendly.

"I met your brother. He's very kind and funny." She announced making Grayson smirk making my blood boil.

"Can't leave a pretty girl like youself without a smile."

She looked down smiling. "You're too sweet."

"Yea a little too sweet." I muttered loud enough for Grayson to hear me, but make Sabrina laugh.

"But why are you staying home?" She asked giving him attention now.

He leaned back on the couch and crossed his arms. He shrugged.
"This is partly my house."

She lightly laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm not following."

"I pay half. Ethan pays half."

She did a face palm before shaking her head. I laughed at her cuteness. I've never felt the desire to fuck the brains out of a girl, but cuddle and protect and claim her as mine and mine only. Only Sabrina could make me feel like that.

"Well we should probably get going." I told Sabrina when Grayson was about to say something.

He rolled his eyes at me, but I didn't give a fuck. Sabrina's going to be mine, and this trip was going to confirm it.

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