Chapter 23

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     The next few months were a huge blur for all of Exo. After Monster promotions, they had to start practising for their repackaged album Lotto. They didn't have much free time, but Chen and Grey seemed to be able to find time to spend together, even if it meant that they would meet at a cafe at 10:00 pm after their schedules were done for the day.

"Everyone's looking at us Jongdae," Grey whispered as she took a seat at a table. She looked around and made awkward eye contact with a few people. 

"I know, you want to go someplace else?" Chen nodded towards the door.

"No, it's fine, I just wish that we would get a little bit more privacy,"

"That's a downside to being an idol, but being able to be with you makes it all worth it." Chen smiled.

"You're so sweet," Grey blushed. Chen smirked and patted her hand gently.

     They ordered drinks and then talked for a while. After that, they walked to a nearby park and laid down on the soft grass. "Do you see those two bright stars?" Chen pointed to the sky.

"Yeah, what about them?"

"It looks like they're holding hands," Chen cooed. Grey laughed and laid her head on Chen's arm. He sighed and tucked his other arm under his head. "I wish we could be like those stars," He trailed off.

"What do you mean?" Grey asked.

Chen thought for a moment. "We could be together and not worry about what all of the other planets and stars think. We could just... exist and not have a care in the world..." He explained. Grey was quiet for a minute and then spoke softly as if not to wake the sky.

"Earlier, you said that that was the life of an idol. It's tough to live like this. When I became a trainee, I had no idea that my life would change forever... and not necessarily in a good or bad way, it just... changed. But that's the thing, we as idols are looked up to, so we need to turn that change in our lives into a good change..." She stopped and noticed a tear rolling down Jongdae's face. "What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?" She turned onto her side to look at her boyfriend.

"No, I just realised how much I loved you right now..." More tears rolled down his face. "You're the most beautiful, amazing, talented person I know, and I'm the luckiest man alive to have you as my girlfriend. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you, Myung Hee," He sat up and looked at her in the eyes. It was Grey's turn to tear up. She softly kissed her boyfriend on the lips and smiled. 

"You mean the world to me Jongdae," She whispered. Chen slid his hand around Grey's neck to pull her closer and kissed her again. As the kiss grew more passionate, time seemed to stop. The planets, moons and stars seemed to stop and look at the perfect couple. Finally, they broke apart. "We should get going... It's starting to get chilly out here." Chen sighed. He noticed a sad Expression on Grey's face and helped her stand up. He gently kissed her on the forehead one more time, and then they clasped hands and started walking home.


     I'm so sorry that it's been so long since the last update! I was really busy the past few months forgot all about this. However, I'm sad to say that this will be the last chapter for The New Member. But don't worry! I will write an epilogue, but I'm not sure when it'll come out. 

     It's been a funtastic journey (funtastic's a word, right?) with you guys as I wrote and published my first ever fan fic. I learned so many things along the way and I hope that you will keep on supporting me in my next fan fic that I'm writing. It's a BTS one, (yeah, I'm multifandom... Deal with it) and I plan to put a ton of effort into it. It's called "Not Yet" and the first chapter is already out, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to out another chapter, but more is sure to come! It's basically about a girl who's both a trainee and friends with Jungkook before he debuts, but then he leaves while she's still in school. However, their paths cross once again as she's put into the same group as him... BTS! 

     Please continue to support Exo and once again, thank you guys for all of the support you've shown me. Keep smiling and stay cool.

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