Thank you guys so much!

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I haven't been active on Wattpad for a while and so I just decided to log in to see how my story was doing and BAAM!!! I HAVE OVER 20K READS!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! Your guys' feedback has helped me a lot and is inspiring me to get back into writing. 

I was sad to finally finish my first fanfiction but now that I look back on it, I see so many more things that I wish I would have approached differently. I want to be able to write better stories in the future and reading the comments left on my story help remind me that there are actual people out there taking the time to read my cheesy story. 

I'd like to say that my writing style has matured since first starting the story and I would like to try to make a story that has more depth and personality. I don't my only published story to be a short fanfic I wrote out of boredom. Don't get me wrong. I am by no means discrediting The New Member. I am extremely grateful that my first story on Wattpad was able to accumulate this many reads. I know there are hundreds of thousands of other stories that have done 100x better than mine but knowing that 20,000 people read my story is truly inspiring to me. 

I have no idea when I will release another story because I want to be able to take my time and not crank out a short chapter every other day. Honestly, for a while, I didn't really know where I wanted to go with my story and just released filler chapters to bide my time until I came up with something to forward the plot. I think that I rushed through chapters because I was getting bored and unhappy with what I was writing. I wanted to give up and move on to another story but I couldn't just leave Grey and Chen in the friend zone ;) I think I sort of figured it out towards the last few chapters but I apologize for the chapters in the middle being of poor quality. 

I will keep my promise of having Not Yet the next story I release. Like I said though,  I don't want to rush through it this time so I'm not going to set a goal for myself for when I will update. Currently, Not Yet has been sitting in the unpublished section on Wattpad. I wasn't satisfied with how it was going because then, The New Member  was starting to be read by more people and I didn't want Not Yet to be judged immediately after you finish The New Member.

I want to do better and I feel sort of overwhelmed by all that my new story has to live up to. I definitely don't want to hype it up yet because I don't even have a plot set in stone still. I do promise that it will be released and I hope you guys will support it as much as you guys have supported The New Member.

If any of you guys have any questions, feel free to message me or comment on my page. I'd be happy to give advice to new writers even though I myself am by no means a seasoned veteran. I check my notifications more frequently now and I try to reply to most of the recent comments.

This will probably be the last time I will release anything new on this fanfiction. I want to be able to focus on my next project now and I don't want the burden of updating hanging over me while I try to move on. I hope you guys understand. Even though I won't be updating anymore, I don't want you guys to think that I am neglecting this. If you guys see any mistakes I made feel free to comment and I will happily fix it. As I grow more of a writer, I want my past works to still be readable yet still show how much I've changed.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay healthy.

Until we meet again,


The New MemberWhere stories live. Discover now