I Always Knew It Was You

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I always knew it was you.

From the moment our eyes met on the subway, to the second you flashed that pearly white smile at me.

I always knew it was you.

From that time when I got courageous and handed you my phone number, to the time that you actually used it to call me and asked me on a date.

I always knew it was you.

From the day we held hands in the movie theatre watching cheesy romance movies, to the time that we spilled our popcorn all over the people sitting in the row in front of us.

I always knew it was you.

From the minute our lips magically locked under the Fourth of July fireworks, to the time when we laughed our pants off trying to explain to our parents that we're just friends.

I always knew it was you.

From the day you went down on one knee and proposed like this was the last day of your life, to the day we stood happily at the altar with tears of joy streaming down our faces.

I always knew it was you.

From the moment we fooled around on our honeymoon, to the time we settled into our new home.

I always knew it was you.

From the second we fought and bickered about the stupidest little things, to the times I cried in the bathroom and you'd always come in to hold me.

I always knew it was you.

From the moment I saw you with her on the sidewalk, to the moment you lied about where you've been.

I always knew it was you.

From the way my heart broke when you confessed your secret, to the way we painfully said goodbye.

I always knew it was you.

From the night I couldn't fall asleep without bawling, to the night that I could finally breathe.

I always knew it was you.

From the second I saw your wedding invitation in the mail addressed to me, to the moment I found out that I was pregnant. With your child.

I always knew it was you.

From the day the pain wouldn't go away, to the day our child was born perfectly healthy.

I always knew it was you.

From the second she spoke her first word, to the minute I had to explain to her that her father wouldn't be coming home for awhile.

And for the longest time, I always knew it was you.

From the day I held her in my arms, to the day I named her Eli.

And I never wanted to forget you.

So I named her after you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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