-Chapter III:The Flight of the Unpaired Wings-

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"Come on Kieron, you can't catch me!" said Mike, being in in front of him, all above the clouds of the warming sun.

"Watch your back, I'm coming for you!" said Kieron, flying with his grey wings. With the wind between his fathers, was trying to get closer to Mike, who is a pro at flying, due to his years of being an angel. Kieron flew faster and from under, he did a loop and got above Mike. he touched Mike's head and said:"Who's slower now?"., after he flew even faster, leaving Mike behind.

"Oh, really? Someone should teach you a lesson boy!" exclaimed Mike, accelerating under Kieron. When he is was almost to pass over Kieron, he grabbed Kieron's hand and took him up and up and up. They both stopped in the middle of the air. Mike took Kieron's other hand, held them tight in his arms and than they both heard violins and harps singing all around them. Kieron didn't know where all of these beautiful notes came from, but he didn't mind. It was just him and Mike, the sunshine made their wings glow brighter than ever before, leaving them just to stay close in each other's hands. Mike put one hand on Kieron's waist, and the other one on his shoulder. Kieron blushed and his eyes showed a sparkle to Mike, letting him know that he has never felt this way before, and after he puts his hands the way Michael did. They started dancing in the air, like no one ever did before. Mike got Kieron in his arms, he got him tight to his body, and Kieron put his hands on Mikes's back and they harmonically twisted in the air, with their wings, both tight up. They stopped for a second, Mike got his arms under Kieron's hands. He just stayed to watch his beautiful eyes, having an obvious sensibility in his eyes. He and Kieron moved their heads toward each other, slowly closing their eyes. They slowly touched each other's lips, sending love and happiness to one another. Their souls emerged into one, and Kieron's soul was finally healed up. The kiss ended, Mike told Kieron:"I love you Kieron!"

Kieron, was shocked, but was happy to. With blush into his eyes he said:"I love you too!"

He smiled to him, and inside him was something stronger, stronger than he could know. When he had his forehead and Mike's touching together, Kieron's necklace started glowing stronger and stronger. When the glow was the brightest, the sun started to go dark and his wings and Mike's started becoming the darkest black you could ever see. Kieron didn't know what happened, and he saw Mike with an evil smile on his face slowly disappearing into the void. Kieron started falling down in the black fog, nothing could stop him from going down! He couldn't control his wings.

"No, No, NOO! Please, somebody help me!" shouted Kieron on his way down, scared, with tears in his eyes, he felt the strong wind of the height going fast, down his throat to his lungs.

When he almost touched the ground, he woke up. It was another nightmare of him, this one being the strongest of all. He observed a glow in his necklace, like the one in his dreams. In the mirror he observed something strange, the light and the shadow were fighting for supremacy, oscillating from one another. The necklace reached the maximum shine, and after the light started fading, leaving just the shadow inside the looking glass. Kieron held the necklace in his hand, thinking of his Mom, inside him being a missing piece of the puzzle. He took his shirt off, and from inside him could get out the wings. From his back the bones revealed the grey fathers, and while he opened them up, he was staring at his body, noticing a difference. He was more developed than the day before, he had bigger muscles, he saw himself taller and he could see better in the distance than he could do before.

"Well, well, well, someone is admiring his new angel body! Don't fall in love just yet!" said Mike ironically, blinking, after he appeared out of nowhere.

"What the hack dude?!? What are you doing here? Or better, how did you get in here?" said Kieron, scared as hell, confused and very curious about Mike's surprising apparition.

Broken Wings -Volume One: You Can't Escape The Destiny- ((EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now