-Chapter IV: In The Light of The Cold Sun-

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"You have nowhere to hide now! Now, give it to me!" said an angel with white wings to Mike, who is cornered, afraid, lost in the dark of an alley.

"Give you what? I don't know what you are talking about..." said Mike, very nervous and frightened, feeling something could happen to him.

"You know what I am talking about, now, give it back or this world will have less of an angel! Not that you'd be a big lose!" said the angel, angry, ready to attack.

Kieron was walking down the street, looking desperately for Mike, scared for what could happen to him. His necklace started glowing. It was glowing brighter and brighter as he was running. He finally got to a lane. He saw Mike threatened, scared by the sword made of light of the angel.

"Kieron, do something! Please! Don't let me pass away!" said Mike, begging for Kieron's help.

Kieron was at crossroads. This decision was the hardest of all that he had to take on that day. Time was running out for him, the midnight was very close, and he will finally become a full angel. He thought it would be an easier day in front of him.

In that morning, the sun just had showed its first sparks of light, slowly entering the room. The sun started tickling his face and made him wake up. For the first time in a while, he had had a good sleep. He just sat on the edge of the bed thinking about the yesterday. The corpse of the fallen angel was still stuck in his head, and nothing he could do about it, it was just terrifying. The shadow katana that was used by one of the two black angels had melted inside the white angel's soul, setting if free out of his body. The malice of the events he witnessed made him wonder if all the dark angels were as cruel as the two of them, but there is a sure thing, he didn't want to see them again.

He got on his legs and walking around the room, in circles. He remembered what Mike had told him, "in the light of the full moon, you will get transformed."

He didn't know what to expect, but he knew he had to continue doing good things for the rest of the day, in a sentence, just a normal day for him. He took his top off, to see his wings. He looked at himself in the mirror, and again the mirror was oscillating between light and shadow. His wings had a light grey shade, something that made him happy, but he needs to be careful today, it was Monday and he had to go to his high school, the place where with a wrong step and you'd be watched. He was preparing for school, changed his clothes, did his hair and he was almost ready. His phone rang. He checked on it, it was just Mike, trying to get to Kieron. He answered the phone.

"Hey Mike, what's up?" asked Kieron.

"Hey, I'm fine, how about you?" answered Mike.

"I'm was just getting ready for another day of school."

"Nice, are you ready for tonight?" asked Mike.

"Tonight? Is there something special?" said Kieron very curios about what was Mike going to answer.

"Yeah, your transformation! Please, don't tell me you forgot, did you?" said Mike with a disappointment in his voice.

"No, but you didn't tell me much about what is going to happen..." said Kieron, a little scared for his big step to take.

"At the midnight hour, when the clock strikes 12, the moon will change forever the color of your wings, and there won't be anything to do about the transformation afterwards." said Mike, almost seeming to know the final result.

"Ok...should I be scared about it?" asked Kieron, a bit scared for big night.

"No, you don't need to."

"Ok, is there anything I need to know more?" asked Kieron, very willing to know more about it.

"Well, I am very eager to tell you more tonight." said Mike.

Broken Wings -Volume One: You Can't Escape The Destiny- ((EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now