-Chapter VIII: Stray Soul-

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"Come on," said Kieron's voice whispering, hearing in his ear his heart beating fast, "You can do it!".

Three days after the argument with Daniel, Kieron was inhaling deep and he took his heart into his hands, and stepped into the library in a cold morning. The wind blowing was creating cool thrills down on his spine. Maybe the thrills came also from the fear of the talk he was going to have with Daniel. Kieron wings were transforming from white to gray with every inch he got closer to the main room. He got in. He was stepping in very cautious, looking from all sides before going forward. He saw Daniel flying high and arranging books on the top shelves. Kieron walked there and tried to think what was he going to tell him. He raised his hand, trying to get attention from Daniel. Daniel didn't see him down there, and he tried flying up, but in the middle of raising up, a thought came out in his head, a thought that stopped him from going any further. He saw a little shake from Daniel's head that told him Daniel was going to turn his way and see him there and that he would want to talk to him. Daniel turned down his head, and he thought he saw something, but nothing was there. Kieron flew fast from there and he hid himself at the end of the shelf. The adrenaline was conquering his blood and made him panic for a second. With the tail of his eye, he was spotting Daniel, who was gone from there. He was relieved and exhaled. He was still trying to figure out what was he gonna tell him. He closed his eyes and talked to himself.

"Listen, you are an amazing and sweet guy, one of the smartest and the most handsome that I've ever met, I really think that we are meant to each other, but there is something I need to tell you, Daniel!" said Kieron, imagining himself telling Daniel this.

"What do you want to tell me, Kieron?", asked Daniel, staying in front of Kieron while he was sill having his eyes closed, "I am all ears!". Kieron opened his eyes slowly, very ashamed by that moment. He needed to tell him once and for all, so his blood got up to his brain and he started talking.

"Daniel, I can't be together with you. Not after what you did to Mike! I am afraid that's what is going to happen to me, I am afraid that we are to different from each other! I am afraid that I am not capable of having a serious relationship, not now! I am afraid I'll get in trouble, and you will be dragged too into it! I can't have those risks, I can't afford them, and not now, when I found out about my hidden past, I am sorry!" said Kieron with a sad face.

"Hey, it's ok! I get it, ok. No problem, but I wanna know a thing, will we still remain friends?" asked Daniel, scared of Kieron's answer.

"Yeah, we can, but without any emotional involvement other than pure friendship!" said Kieron, a bit happy because Daniel seemed to have understood.

"Sure...", said Daniel very upset because of Kieron's will, "I have to be honest, I am a bit sad because everything ended after our first date..."

"I am really sorry Daniel, if it is meant to happen, it will happen, but right now, it isn't the time!" said Kieron looking heartless, but inside he was all heartbroken.

"Hey, it's ok, I got you!", said Daniel catching Kieron's shoulder, "I will always be here when you need me, you can still train with me and do all the stuff, except feeling love for each other! It is not the end of the world!"

Kieron was broken inside again, the storm that took his soul when Mike disappointed him was back again. Even though he wouldn't normally hide his feeling towards someone, he showed a smile and he moved his cheeks up, suggesting happiness.

"I need to go now, I have to get ready for school. I will come by here tonight after school, I promise!" said Kieron heading slowly to the door, taking Daniel's hand off him.

"Ok, see you by tonight!" said Daniel moving his hand up from left to right and saying 'bye!' to Kieron with a shining and fake smirk. Daniel was also broken inside. He really thought he found someone after all his struggles for centuries of looking for someone good enough for him. He was arranging again some books on the shelves, but for the first time, he had done that not to cry in his house and keep his eyes dry. In the library, there was an angel that was staring at Daniel with some very sharp and mysterious eyes. His analytic look was cold as a polar storm, and if you would sit next to him, you'd have thrills going up and down on your spine. His skin was whiter than snow, and his skinny body was covered by black clothes, mostly black leather. Something was strange about this guy, but no one knew him. Daniel observed him staying at the table with a book in his hands, help up so he could see around. The title of the book was an interesting choice as well, 'The Art of the War". Daniel flew around to see if he was still following him, but that guy wouldn't move a inch away from the chair. Daniel thought he was paranoid, and continued his work, sad and alone, missing the warm hugs and kisses of Kieron. The guy saw that Daniel didn't pay attention to him anymore, and took a blank pieced of paper, put it down and he took notes about Daniel, hiding the pice by the book, showing a little smile, a little...evilness.

Broken Wings -Volume One: You Can't Escape The Destiny- ((EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now