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Harry's P.O.V

Me, hermione and Ron were cleaning up the place when dumbledore came talking about some very powerful person called Perseus riddle. Then it clicked. Riddle!
"We need to find him before Voldemort does so we can make sure he won't turn evil, and as he's his grandson we need to be quick. I'm sure he will have heard of him by now."
"Of course he'll be evil. He's got voldermorts blood! What makes you think he hasn't already become a death eater or worse?!"I yell. He sighs and says"hush harry, now I need you three to come with me to his house. I think there was a name change so their last name might be Jackson. Please be polite."Dumbledore pleads. Ron glares at him while Hermione has a small smile on her face.

"What's going on?"Sirius asks walking in with lupin.
I smile,"Dumbledore was just going to take us to find a descendent of Voldemort and convince him that we are good and not to kill us." Sirius gasps and lupin goes pale.
"A....a....d..descendant of...of......V..v....you know who?"lupin stutters. Dumbledore nods solemnly. Sirius clenches and unclenches his fists,"when I get my hands on him..."
Dumbledore holds a hand up,"No. You must all be hospitable and welcome him, he may not be like his grandad. Bear that in mind!"he says before grabbing onto my arm. "Ron and Hermione if you will?" They nod and grab onto Dumbledore.

When we arrive outside a house in NewYork I wasn't expecting what we saw. Dumbledore showed us to the death eaters house and when we knocked on it a women with a kind face answered. I smiled and asked where someone called Perseus riddle would live. "Oh no, we don't use that name anymore and I think you'll find that he likes to be called Percy. PERCY YOUVE GOT COMPANY. STOP FIGHTING ANNABETH AND GET DOWN HERE NOW."
A yell or two was heard afterwards followed by some bangs from the stairs before four teenagers appeared at the door. There were two boys, one deathly pale and then two girls, one with eyes that had seen too much. "Percy some people are here to talk to you. Please come in and I'll put the kettle on."sally Jackson smiles.

We follow her inside and sit on the sofa. A girl I heard someone call her, thalia, sat on the floor with another boy that I still didn't know the name of. Then another boy, I assume was Percy, was sitting with the girl on another sofa. They were holding hands and I felt a twinge of jealousy. How come that death eater got a nice life when I had nearly my whole family murdered. Percy smiles and says hi.
"Hello perseus-"
"-percy. We have come here to tell you that you are a wizard-"dumbledore correct himself.
"And a death eater."I mutter. The other boy must have super hearing because he heard what I said and was laughing like crazy. "Perce this guy thinks your a death eater! I mean who would want to eat Thanatos!" Percy laughs as well. I feel embarrassed and ask who Thanatos is. They stare at me blankly and start laughing even harder.

Soon all the teenagers on the other side of the room were laughing so much they got hiccups. "Sorry, you were saying Gandalf."percy says between giggles.
"Well Percy i was saying that you were a wizard. A being with the ability to cast spells and do all sorts of things that mortals cannot. A half blood. Half mortal half wizard." Percy exchanges glances with his friends and they laugh. Thalia says "what does that make us then?!" I don't remember Dumbledore saying they were wizards as well?
"Naturally, as you are all related you are all wizards to some degree. So therefore you will all be attending Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"Pigfarts"Percy says under his breath,"anyway cool when do we go?" Naturally I choose this chance to pipe up.
"You go when the school starts. But be warned keep you and your death eater friends away from me and my friends."
Nico sighs"when are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours. WE DONT WANT TO EAT THANATOS." I frown, noticing they aren't taking this seriously. I look at Ron and he nods. We raise our wands and yell stupefy, watching the lights collide with them as they crumple to the floor, unconscious.

Me: all characters belong to Rick Riordan or J.K Rowling.
Harry&Ron: stupefy!
Sally: what's going on here, I just went to make some tea!
Annabeth: they attacked us.
Percy: while we were defenceless.
Dumbledore: these kids never seem to learn.
Me: not while they're in this story.

Percy Jackson meets The chosen one//In Rewrite//DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now