Day 7: Shopping List

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Steve reads over his shopping list again, eggs, bread, strawberries, cocoa, puppy, muffins. He stops and back up one.

"Puppy?" He whispers in confusion.

He shrugs it off as himself getting distracted. Muffins, bacon, hash browns, puppy... Puppy?

Puppy appears three more times on his list.

"We are not getting a puppy," Steve huffs at Clint who was trailing behind him with Sam, Bucky was in the baby seat on the cart.

"Why nah?" Clint whines, sitting down in the middle of the store. Just recently the three of them had been deaged by A.I.M.

Bucky was three, Clint was five, and Sam was six. "Because we are not getting a puppy," Steve sighs, really regretting the decision to bring them.

"Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!" Bucky shouts, giggling gleefully.

Steve sighs. After shopping he takes them home, listening to the kids whine about wanting a puppy. Bucky flails his arm as Steve attempts to change him. The other arm was a smooth stump. Bucky was thankfully young enough to just accept it.

He walks out of the nursery to hear an uproar of children shouting puppy. Bucky waddles over and Sam picks him up, he joins the two in cheering puppy.

Natasha picks up Clint and Sam. Sam hangs onto Bucky carefully.

"We're getting a puppy!" She grins.

They leave and come back an hour later with a fluffy puppy. Bucky was attached at the hip to the dog.

When they finally succeeded in reversing the serum it had been a year. Bucky and the dog were best friends having in a sense grown up together. The dog had quickly gotten big and four year old Bucky could ride on his back like he was a horse.

Adult Bucky quickly goes for Bear, who jumps up and licks him repeatedly. Bear rests his massive paws on Bucky's shoulders and kisses him happily.

Bucky and the dog were best friends.

Steve walks into the living room a year later to see Bucky and Bear rough housing by the Christmas tree. Bear barks and grabs Bucky's throat loosely with his mouth. Bucky plays dead and Bear lets go and kisses him happily.

Bucky hugs Bear, the dog was almost as big as he was.

Steve grins and feeds the two breakfast.

"Play dead," Bucky tells Bear.

The dog falls over and Bucky tosses him a piece of bacon.

"Is it an earthquake or just your dog?" Clint asks, coming in with Natasha.

"Go get him Bear!" Bucky instructs.

Bear runs for him and jumps up into Clint, knocking him down and attacking him with kisses.

"Good boy," Bucky grins, tossing him another strip of bacon.

"You're unbearable," Clint mutters.

"It's your fault, you guys wanted a puppy. He just liked me best," Bucky smirks.

"Yes he did." Steve agrees. Bear jumps into Bucky lap and kisses him happily.

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