Kimi and otomi the naruto twins

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"Kimi," my brother shouted from behind me. Smirking Naruto and I made a quick get away. Otami had just been a victim of our prancing spree. Running with him was the duckbutt sasuke, kiba, and an older boy who graduated past year named neji. In two days the we would be tested to see if we would become genin and wanted to relieve some stress.

At the moment that means covering a bunch of on coming class mates in snot green paint. Neji got hit with the bucket when naruto and I were running. Naruto chucked the bucked away to make him run faster and the hyuga was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Run naruto!" he laughed and we ran harder. I dived to the left as sasuke tried to grab me around the waist.

"Hands off," naruto laughed as I threw a kuni at the arrogant boy. We reached the academy and I hid behind hinata. She covered her mouth giggling. "Hide meeeeee," I begged. Naruto ran into the room and hid under the desk with me. I kicked him out.

"Ow," he whined,"what was that for!"

"Shut up, I'm not here," I hissed back. Then the angry green people came in. They beat naruto up good only stopping when I stepped out and punched kiba in the throat. As he gasped for air the rest payed attention. "Quit beating him up! the paint will come off with some soap, but the bruises will not!" my words held a hidden meaning and as our teacher came in otami sat next to my feeling guilty.

You should be

We had twin powers of telepathy and could read each other's moods. He and I looked similar with the same white hair and golden eyes. Then there were some major differences like the fact the he was two inches ( the same height as Sakura) taller than me, had short straight hair while mine was long, and the annoying trait of forgetting everything verses my photographic memory.

"Tomarrow will be the exam so please be ready and on time. You are dismissed." wow the class passed fast. I hooked arms with naruto and we walked all the way home. Otami and I lived next to naruto seeing as our parents died protecting the village from the nine tailed fox and his sister the ten tailed article fox. No one new who now housed the ten tailed seeing as they didn't talk another her or are rude to me. But I suspect that they know about the nine tailed in naruto.

When we were younger and even now they we're mean to him even when he wasn't doing anything. It was awful to watch and ended very badly with me. That was how my brother and I met him. But that's a story for another time.

"Nighty naruto," I sung giving him a hug and walking into my room. He waved and my brother waved back. They were men swords didn't matter.

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