We passed. Thats it

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"You there's stop this instance and get back here. When we catch you you're dead." One of the two that we're chasing naruto my bro and I jonin shouted. I stuck out my tongue at him while smacking my butt mockingly.

Naruto further taunted them by saying, " you're just mad because you didn't have the balls to do what I did!" I laughed jumping on otami's back. With a flash his eyes turned red and we were sitting In our seats at the academy. Sorry but only the strong can survive. About ten minutes later naruto is drug into the room tied up. I stood up and started dancing.

Everyone just stared at me. "Oi, what are you ninnys doing staring at my sis. Keep them eyes to your self," otami growled pulling me down to where I couldn't dance any moreeeee. Witch was not fare because after leaving naruto the least I could do was distract them so he could get away. But now that's not going to happen.

"Any ways," iruka, our sensei, says," since naruto and kimi skipped the transformation justu we learned yesterday. Every one will be redoing it. Line up!" everyone starts to groan but lines up any way. I went to sleep and sent a shadow clone up there. Sadly that was the only justu I knew.

The next morning I got up and rushed to school. I was utterly late!! I ran into ye room as my name was called. "Here," I shouted and saluted.

Everyone swear dropped. "Um, it's time for you to be tested." I smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Uh, ok," I tell him and skip down front of the room and walked out the door winking at my bro on the way out. He snorted and leaned back in his chair next to kiba. I walked to the test room to see iruka and misuki. I glared at the white haired guy and did my thing.

"You did it great job."

"I'm gonna be a ninja mom!"

"Look at him." This stops me but Otomi keeps going not hearing.

"I heard he's the only one that didn't pass," a lady sniped.

"Good, can you imagine what would of happens if he became a ninja. I mean he is-"

"Shush you know we're not suppose to talk about this."

"You know what misses," I say smiling at them.

"Yes deary." the one on the left asked smiling at me.

The smile was still on my face when I looked her in the eyes and said," screw you miss." and walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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