Little Sir Echo!

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Psalms 24:1-10

David desired to set God up as God of all Israel in the eyes of his people he ruled over.  He attempted to bring his kingdom into unity for all of the twelve tribes of Israelites.  He brought the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem as a sign; changing the city of David into "Zion, City of our God".  The ark represented God's presence among them!  He had been refused permission by God to build the Temple of God as David was a warrior; but God promised David that his dynasty would be established forever.  Jesus was a descendant of David thus fulfilling the promise eternally!

          The Hebrew alphabet letters are not used in this Psalm but the rhythm of worship is evident in the structure of this Psalm.  The "Poetic Parallelism" is clearly used as the first line of each statement is balanced by the second line.  The first line is illuminated by the second, sort of an echo effect.  For instance the first verse says, (KJV)"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, (echo) the world and they that dwell therein."  (1Corinthians 10:26-NKJV-"For the earth is the Lord's and all its fullness." 

          Then the reasoning follows, (CEB)-"Because God is the one who established it on the seas; (echo) God set it firmly on waters."  David never forgot Who had created everything.  (Genesis 1:2,9-NKJV-"The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters... God said, 'Let the waters under the  heavens be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear,' and it was so."  We are speaking of the SOVEREIGN GOD!    David had no doubt about the Creator's power.  God is over all He has created !  (Psalms 89:11-NKJV-"The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.")

        Who then may approach such a great Ruler? Such a SOVEREIGN GOD?  The answer is given by David in his poetic manner, (NKJV)-"Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?  (echo) or who may stand in His holy place?"  The answer is clear in verse 4 when David answers his own question, (CEB)-"Only the one with clean hands and a pure heart; (echo) the one who hasn't made false promises, the one who hasn't sworn deceitfully."  (Job 17:9b-NKJV-"And he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger.  Matthew 5: 8-"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  Psalms 15:4b-"But He honors those who fear the Lord;"...) All of theses refer to an inner attitude toward God.  The washing of physical hands is not the intent of these scriptures.  God's blessing is for those who have accepted His leadership in their lives.  (NKJV)-" He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation."(CEB)-" And that's how things are with the generation that seeks Him-that seek the face of Jacob's God."  God honors those who honor Him by blessing them!  (TEV)-" The Lord will bless him, (echo) God his Savior will declare him innocent.  Such are the people who come to God, (echo) who come into the presence of the God of Jacob."  (Psalms 27:4,8-(this is my own personal prayer also) " One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek :  that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquirer inHis temple...When You said, ' Seek My face', my heart said to You, 'Your face, Lord, I will seek'." ).

          Then David set the tone for the whole orchestra of heaven as he made a powerful megaphone announcement .  I can picture him with excitement as he shouts out in loud trumpet volume (CEB)-"MIGHTY GATES, LIFT UP YOUR HEADS,  ANCIENT DOORS, RISE UP HIGH! SO THE GLORIOUS KING CAN ENTER!"  This last part of this Psalm with David's proclamation is the focus of God's presence in the midst of His people!  He is not a Solitary God but desires to be surrounded by His children!  This portion becomes the pattern for the procession of Israel to the gates of Zion, "Lift up your heads, o ye gates ..."  It's echo occurs in verse 9 also as the ritual is repeated , (CEB)-"Mighty gates: lift up your heads!  Ancient doors: Rise up high!  So the Glorious King can enter!"  Excitement abounded as they repeated this announcement!  TEV is very descriptive for the command.  "Fling wide the gates, open the ancient doors and the Great King will come in!"  There is a repetitive echo in verse 9.  I like the tone of KJV, "Ye everlasting doors" as it points to a futuristic permanent externality of the door and the open gates for God to enter in!  This is the position we take when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior!  WE FLING WIDE THE GATES TO OUR HEARTS AND LIVES AND BID HIM WHO IS THE GREATEST KING TO ENTER AND RULE WITHIN US ETERNALLY! 

          David next explains the necessity of coming into God's presence with respect and honor.  Again David uses the poetic illuminating echo effect!  (CEB)-" Who is this Glorious King?  THE LORD -STRONG AND POWERFUL!  THE LORD-POWERFUL IN BATTLE,  (echo) Who is this Glorious King?  THE LORD OF HEAVENLY FORCES-HE IS THE GLORIOUS KING!"  (TLB)-"Invincible in battle. (Always the master in all battles). A Commander of all Heaven's armies!"  (NKJV)-"He is the King of Glory." 

           Who can dispute the majestic presence of Almighty God as He enters into our open hearts sanctuary and takes up residence there!  His throne is established in our lives!  WE ARE HIS AND HE IS OURS FOREVER!  Hallelujah and praise Almighty God!  David ends the Psalm on this praise note- and we go on in God's Love! 

          Selah-"as it is so let it be". (That's my meaning for it.)

                    Next time...

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