Do Not Destroy!

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Psalms 75:1-10

          Our SOVEREIGN GOD! What a profound blessing ! Here we are again with a Psalm which rings out as Asaph, the chief musician, sets to music the praises of his people and the Supreme answer from God. (Supreme means sovereign.) The title given this Psalm in Hebrew is "Al-taschith" which means "Do not destroy".

This Psalm includes a three-way interchange: the Psalmist; the people; and God. The psalmist here, Asaph, begins with, "We call on His Name and recount His wondrous deeds among us." A thanksgiving for God's righteous judgments.

(In Psalms 57 David had hidden in a cave while Saul pursued him to kill him. David believed this truth in these verses-(TLB)-"How we thank You, Lord! Your mighty miracles give proof that You care." David trusted God even in the face of desperate circumstances for He said, -(NKJV)-"He shall send from heaven and save me;". This is why He pleads for mercy.)

In the next four verses the SOVEREIGN GOD speaks, (TEV)-" 'I have set a time for judgment,' says God, 'I will judge with firmness.' ". God will not be rushed, His timing is perfect. (Any questions? I think not! Who am I to question the SOVEREIGN GOD!) (CEB)-"The earth and all its inhabitants will melt but I will keep its pillars steady." (NKJV)-"I set up pillars firmly." Isaiah 60:2-"For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you." What a promise! All around us is the deep darkness of sin but God's glory will shine upon us for the Light of the World has come.

Jesus is the Light of the World! (If I seem to get carried away by this study, I want you to know I have accepted the Light of the World and it has brightened my way both spiritually and physically. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at 12 years old, God healed me of Epilepsy at the same time. Do you wonder why I am so happy? I can never doubt my salvation as I would have to wonder where my physical ailment went and why! No epilepsy! A change had occurred physically and spiritually! I became born-again by accepting Jesus as my Savior. Praise God, our SOVEREIGN GOD)

God went on to say, (TEV)-"I tell the proud not to brag and the wicked not to be arrogant; I tell them to quit showing off, and to stop their bragging." (NKJV)-"DO NOT LIFT UP YOUR HORN ON HIGH;". This horn is a symbol used to mean "strength". God takes away the strength they boast in. The wicked strut around like powerful animals, brandishing symbols of power with no thought of God. It is feeble compared to God's almighty sovereign power.

The people speak next in agreement, (TEV)-"Judgment does not come from east or...west...north or...south; it is God who does the judging, putting down some, and lifting others up." (1Samuel 2:7-(NKJV)-"The Lord makes poor and makes rich ; He brings low and lifts up."; Psalms 50:6-"Let the heavens declare His righteousness, for God Himself is Judge."; Psalms 58:11; Daniel 2:20-22-"...He changes the times and the seasons..." Read on in this chapter). 1Samuel 2:7-(TEB)-"Promotions and power come from nowhere on earth but only from God. He promotes one and disposes another."

Then the "about face" occurs in verse nine (TLB)-"But as for me," says the author of this Psalm, "I shall declare the praises of the God of Jacob."; because God promises in verse ten, "I will...says the Lord, ...increase the power of good men in their place." ( Read in (CEB)-"the strength of the righteous will be lifted up." (NKJV)-"But the horns (strength) of the righteous shall be exalted." Psalms 89:17-"For You are the glory of their strength."; Psalms 148:8a-"And He has exalted the horn of His people, the praise of all His saints-". 1Samuel 2:1-"And Hannah prayed and said, 'My heart rejoices in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your Salvation." I know how Hannah felt as my first child was a promise from God, when I thought I would never conceive, God brought me to this verse and Hannah's answer. I believed it and was rewarded by the gift of my first born.

With this last verse from 1Samuel, I close Psalms 75, for He is my Salvation and I smile and "rejoice in His Salvation." He has proved Himself to me over and over! Try Him! You'll see!

Next time...

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