We are still in the McDonald's, and had been for a while. It had been a couple of hours since we first got there. And it turns out that someone had invited the guy that I liked the most. It was awkward silence for about 5 minutes. Nobody talked, nobody moved, everybody stared, and looked at one another. His name was Adam. He was looking dead straight at me, but for some reason, I couldn't move. All I could do was clench my jaw. After all, even though I liked him, I was mad at him. It had took him three years to even acknowledge that I was a living, breathing, human being. Eventually he looked away, so I looked away. My jaw was still clenched, but then he waved to a couple of guys standing just outside the door. It turned out to be Jordan, Trent, and Michael. I didn't really mind Michael being there, but I was seriously confused as to why Trent and Jordan were there. By now I realized that it was Alex who invited him. How she had tracked him down after the end, I don't know, but it was probably Facebook. Which was the weird part. We couldn't understand how the reception and Internet was still connected. I was to find that out later. I knew that we were going to need more drinks so I looked at Alex and she knew that we needed to have a talk. I got up and she followed. We walked into the back and she also knew that I was pissed that she had invited him. She looked at me and started the most serious lecture that I would ever hear her give. She goes:
"Give him a chance. He really likes you but he didn't know how to show it. Now he says that he's ready to break it to you that he likes you and I knew that we were going on a status run today and knew that we would probably be sticking around for a little while so I told him to grab a couple of friends and swing by and find us. I gave him the general area that we would be in today and he said not a problem."
The whole time that she was talking we were grabbing one two-liter of everything that was left. We had to go back to get what we missed, but we came back to find that the guys were sitting at a seperate table right next to ours. We talked. Mainly to the own table we were sitting at, but occasionally one table talked a few sentences to the other, and then went back to talking to the same table they were sitting at. We had talked for about an hour. Drinking soda the whole time. I had to pee really bad since I had drank about three cups of Dr. Pepper. I held it in because I was desperate to find out what was going to throw down between everybody here. Then Adam got up and headed around the corner where none of the others could see. Which happened to be the sitting area in front of the restrooms. He was on his phone talking to someone else.I could only here his side of the conversation, but I could guess that it was not a happy camper on the other end talking to him. I decided to get up and follow him and maybe make an effort to start a conversation with him. After he got off the phone with whoever it was.
"Chill out dude. I was only going to be for a week.But now I found out that there's some stuff that i needed to take care of a few things that I shoud've done a couple of years ago."
"No, I realize that I shoud've told you this sooner, but I did'nt know that what needs to be done could still be done"
"Yes, this really needs to happen. I've already thought I lost her once. I could'nt live with myself if I slipped again."
At this point, he turns around. And sees me. Sitting in the booth. With my head down. The last thing he said made my heart sink. But the next thing to happen would stay with me forever.
"Hey, I gotta let you go there's something else that I need to take care of."
And then he hung up.