Chapter 6 ~ Will Power

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A/N: Warning: lots of vomiting...
(Kinda gross I know i'm sorry)

Once back at their dorm room, James helped Thomas get into bedroom before sitting on his bed and staring at the wall. So many thoughts ran through his head.

He wondered if it was real, or if it was just alcohol and loneliness talking. He wondered how Thomas really felt. He wondered if he would remember in the morning.

However, James's train of thought was cut off by a gross sound coming from the bathroom. Oh god he's throwing up.

James ran into the bathroom. Thomas sat on the floor, vomiting into the toilet. James sighed. He pulled Thomas's giant fluffball of hair back into a poofy ponytail. Then, searching through the medicine cabinet, James pulled out something to help with his sickness. He then walked into the kitchen and filled but a glass of water and grabbed a few paper towels.

James came back to the bathroom and rubbed Thomas's back as he finished his vomiting. Thomas came up and he looked bad. James felt horrible for not stopping him from drinking so much at the party.

James wiped the puke off Thomas's chin with the paper towels, impressed that his puke actually made it in the toilet. James helped Thomas take the medicine and made him drink some water.

Thomas sighed and leaned his head on James shoulder. James smiled and rubbed his back.

"James?" Thomas asked.

James replied quietly, "Yes, Thomas?"

"Can...Can I sleep with you? N-not like that but your bed with you?" He asked nervously.

James sighed, weighing the options in his mind. "I guess, but only because you're sick." He replied. James helped Thomas into his bed before getting in himself. He felt nervous next to Thomas, who fell asleep almost instantly.


John Laurens woke up on the couch. He smelt a breakfast being cooked. Pancakes. Bacon. Sausage. He smiled, sitting up. Alexander was too good to him.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepy head." Alexander said as he placed a plate on the coffee table in front of John with him breakfast on it.

John took a long drink of the Orange Juice. "My head is throbbing and I don't remember how I got home. Explain please."

Alexander laughed and sat beside him. "Well you had a lot to drink. And you tried to fight Charles Lee, who was as drunk as you. It was like watching sloths fight. But I pulled you away, because I actually care about you, and took you home. You sat down on the couch and I went into the bathroom, and by time I came back out here you were out. I tried to wake you but I couldn't." Alexander explained.

John nodded, small flashbacks of the party coming to mind. John ate while Alexander played on his phone. Or well, stared at John.

"Alex?" John asked, finally meeting his eyes.

"Hm? Or sorry I was..thinking.." Alex replied.

"''Bout what?" John asked, setting him bare plate on the table and facing Alexander.

Alexander flushed. "N-nothing." He said, faster and higher pitched than normal.

John rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. Just tell meee." He whinned.

Alex flushed again. "I was just thinking...about you...." He confessed.

This time John flushed. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Alexander blushed. "'s just that''s nothing..." He stuttered.

John scooted closer to Alex and leaded closer to him. "Alexander, please tell me." John requested quietly.

"But i'm scared." Alexander said, just about a whisper. John took Alex's hand in his and look him in they eyes. Both boys flushed. John rested his head forehead against Alex's.

"It's alright."

Alexander took a breath. "I, um, have a crush on you, John." He confessed, blushing.

John smiled. "Alexander, you get too nervous." And with that, John closed the gap between them, connecting their lips.

The kiss lasted a few seconds before Alexander pulled away, smiling and blushing and John did the same.

John leaned back onto the couch and pulled Alexander down with him. Alexander giggled and John laughed at his giggling.

Alexander closed his eyes while his head rested on John's chest. John smiled as he ran his fingers through Alex's hair and Alex flushed.

They stayed curled up on the couch all day.

A/N: enjoy that calm before the storm

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