Chapter 11 ~ Yo Girl

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Alexander went to class on Tuesday, happy as ever. Until Thomas Jefferson walked in. Alex hated him, couldn't stand him. And for some reason, he was sitting right next to him.

Alex was itching to get out of class and go see John, and when the professor ended the class, he bolted out of there, only to see John waiting in the hallway.

Alexander walked up to him and intertwined their fingers. "Hey, we're you waiting for me?" Alex asked. John nodded and blushed. Alex pecked his cheek. "Babe, that's so adorable." John practically melted.

Thomas Jefferson walked out with James Madison trailing behind him. Thomas glared at Alex and John for a moment, before quickly walking off. John suddenly felt very self conscious. He sped up his walking, practically dragging Alex back to their dorm.

Alexander didn't say anything until they were inside. "John, you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

John nodded quickly, too quickly. His phone rang and he flinched. Alexander glanced at his phone on the coffee table and back to John.

The phone rang a few more times, until the caller gave up. Alexander took a step towards John and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"John, what's wrong?" Alexander asked, softly.

John buried his face in Alexander's shoulder. "M-my dad called me today."

Alexander began softer, "Oh John, i'm so sorry."

John shook his head. "No, that's not why i'm upset. He wants to meet me. And he says that I better have a girlfriend when we go out to dinner, or he won't continue to pay for my college."

Alexander winced, and pulled John closer. John wrapped his arms around Alex. It was only then Alexander realized John was shaking. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm John down.

"Hey, shhh, it's gonna be okay, I think I know someone who can help you." Alexander said.


Lafayette and Hercules walked back to their dorm room after class. Lafayette felt out of place and awkward in the flowy skirt they were wearing. They walked with their head down, trying to avoid eye contact.

Hercules noticed this and intertwined their fingers with his. Laf looked up, flushing a bit, and smiled. Hercules blushed a bit too, and gave a reassuring smile back.

Lafayette felt good until Charles Lee walked past them. He muttered something under his breath about Lafayette, who instantly ripped their hand away from Herc, shoved both hands in their pockets, and looked down.

"Hey, fuck off." Hercules said. Charles just glared at him and kept walking.

"Thanks," Lafayette said, once they were out of earshot. Hercules just nodded. Laf held their hand out and Herc took it happily, flushing.

Both of them went inside their dorm and sat down on the couch. Lafayette didn't turn the TV on; they just kinda stared at the wall in thought.

Hercules came out of his bedroom and saw Lafayette in their train of thought. They looked upset. Herc sat down beside Laf and wrapped an arm around him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Lafayette shrugged. "Just frustrated with everyone." They said. Herc nodded.

"Well for the record, you look stunning in that skirt." He said. Lafayette looks over at him, smirking. He blushed.

Lafayette grabbed Hercules by the collar of his shirt and smashed their lips together. Hercules kissed them back, blushing.

After a moment, they pulled apart for air and then they were connected again. Lafayette pulled Hercules into his bedroom and pushed him down on the bed. They were pretty sure they heard him moan.


Aaron Burr sat in the living room. Thomas was pacing back and forth when James walked in. They stared at each other for a moment, until Aaron lost it.

"Oh my god. I am not going to sit here while you two awkwardly stare at each other every single day. I'm not your personal therapists either! James, you like Thomas. And Thomas, you like James! There I said it for you, no more fucking pressure!" Aaron yelled, absolutely annoyed.

Thomas looked horrified, as did James. They stared at each other in shock. Aaron sighed and left the room, probably going to see Theodosia again.

James set his bag down. He awkwardly sat down. "So..."

Thomas sat down beside him. Closer than he would've before. "So?" He asked.

James looked at Thomas, who was grinning. He blushed and shoved him away. "Shut up." He joked.

Thomas flushed and gave James a peck on the cheek. James blushed. Thomas grinned.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Thomas asked. James nodded and followed Thomas to his bedroom. Thomas put in Heathers and sat down next to James on the bed, wrapped an arm around him. He flushed and smile and curled into Thomas's side.

A/N: aw yiss jeffmads
Also i'm Heathers trash™
Thanks for reading ~

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