Chapter 1

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I have removed all but 10 chapters of this story due to the fact that it's published on Amazon. You can read what I have here and then buy the paperback or eBook to read it in its entirety, or you can just move onto another story and forget you ever came across this one. If you want to purchase it just go to my profile page, where you will find a link to my Amazon Author page. :)

Here is the chapter you all have been waiting for. I pray this story will be as successful as my other work. I know I am looking forward to writing this book and hope you all are looking forward to reading it. So without further ado, welcome to Ben & Emma's story. Let the journey begin. 😃


A beam of sunlight spilling across the bed woke me from my sleep. Squinting at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand, I saw it was a few minutes before seven-thirty. I rolled over onto my other side and came face to face with my Jack Russell Terrier I had named Henry.

Smiling weakly, I reached out and scratched him between the ears. His eyes closed, and his tail twitched. I dropped a kiss on his head and scooted to the edge of the bed. I padded barefoot to the walk-in closet, switching on the light as I stepped inside.

My eyes scanned the clothes on the hangers. After a few minutes of indecision, I selected a black pant suit and a royal blue blouse. Taking off my nightgown, I put on a bra and then the clothes. On my way out of the closet, I slid my feet into a pair of black flats.

In the adjoining bathroom, I ran a brush through my long red hair, applied a touch of makeup, and spritzed my neck with perfume. Fastening my watch to my wrist, I left the bedroom, Henry on my heels.

Passing Ben's office, I heard the deep timbre of his voice and stopped in my tracks. I closed my brown eyes and listened to him. I wasn't eavesdropping, just listening to him. His voice was one of the things I loved about him. It used to have the power to calm me when I was upset, but not anymore.

I headed to the kitchen. Once there, I let Henry outside to do his business. While I waited for him to finish I started the coffee brewing and retrieved the ingredients I would need for breakfast.

Henry barked, letting me know he wanted back inside. I let him in and gave him his breakfast. Now that he was taken care of I could focus my attention on fixing something to eat for Ben and myself.

Just then, Ben strolled into the kitchen looking handsome in a dark suit. He was broad shouldered and tall, had short black hair, and eyes as blue as the sky on a cloudless day. His eyes were the first thing I had noticed about him when we met all those years ago.

"Don't bother making breakfast for me," he said. "I have an early meeting."

I held back a sigh. "Of course you do."

"What is that supposed to mean?" he demanded to know.

"It means nothing." It meant this was going to be the third time this week I would be eating breakfast alone and I hated it. I put everything back in the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk. Since it was just going to be me I couldn't see cooking. Cereal was going to be my breakfast.

"It means something." Ben grabbed a travel mug from the cabinet above the coffee pot and filled it with coffee. "It always means something with you, Emma, but if you want to pretend it doesn't go right ahead."

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