Chapter 9

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I thought I would go ahead and upload the chapter since I was done with it. Thank you all for your support. I always appreciate it. This won't be a long chapter like the others, but I am hoping the content will more than make up for that. I hope you all enjoy it and I will have you another chapter next Friday. :)


I slid on to the stool and signaled for the bartender, who was serving a customer at the other end of the bar. He finished up and then made his way in my direction.

"What can I get for you, beautiful?"

I gave him a weak smile. "Do you call all the women that sit at your bar beautiful?"

He winked at me. "Only the red heads."

"Ah, I see," I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "Well, I'll have a coke with lemon."

"No alcohol." He cocked his head slightly and studied me intently for a moment. "You came here for the company, not alcohol. You're lonely."

I arched an eyebrow. "You gathered all that from just looking at me."

"I've been in this business long enough that I've gotten good at reading people's faces." He fixed my drink, placing it in front of me with a napkin.

"Thank you," I said.

He nodded. "Let me know if you want anything else."

"I will."

He moved away.

I picked up the glass and took a drink, my gaze roaming over the people surrounding me. At a table across the room, I found a man watching me. I quickly looked away. The last thing I wanted was to make him think I was interested in him.

Just then, my phone pinged. I set my glass down and removed my phone from my bag. Glancing at the text message, I saw it was from Peter.

Checking to see if you snapped and killed my brother. Wouldn't blame you if you did.

Your brother is safe and so is my sanity, I texted back.

That's a relief. What are you doing?

I'm hanging out at a bar.

No, really, what are you doing?

I laughed softly and took a picture of the bar, sending it to him.

So you weren't lying. Be careful, Emmy. Don't go to the restroom and leave your drink unattended. Try not to get drunk. Drink a glass of water in between alcohol beverages, and don't drink on an empty stomach.

I'm not drinking alcohol. I'm drinking coke with lemon, and I never walk away from my glass. Don't worry about me, Peter. It's sweet of you though.

You're family, Emmy. I always worry about family.

I know. What are you doing?

Some investigative work.


I'm snooping around, looking into something. Can't tell you what so don't ask.

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