~Gala Pt.2~

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Gala// A social event
((Part 2))

"He made me so mad that I put a dart in his arse!" I laughed heartily at Thomas' latest story about a game of darts that he and his younger brother Michael had played over summer break. He spun me around the dance floor with ease and you would never guess that he had been raised on a small sheep farm in Cork, Ireland.
"What did your mom do?" I asked still giggling.
"Mum? Oh, mum's a redhead so I didn't stick around to see what she'd do. I left the house for three days to give her time to cool off."
I threw my head back with a laugh. He spun me around and I watched the bottom of my skirt fan out around me.
"Forgive me for asking but how is your mom a redhead?"
"No trouble." he replied, "She's Irish but my dad is from a little town not far from Barcelona."
I nodded and he spun me again.

  Only seconds after Thomas pulled me back in I felt another arm wrap around my waist. My eyes were matched with shining emerald ones. Jack and Thomas shared a short curt nod and Jack pulled me closer to him. I rolled my eyes.
"So princess, tango or waltz?"
"Neither." I replied shortly, trying to pull away from him.
"Ah-ah-ah," he scolded, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist. "You don't want to cause a scene." I received a pointed look as a teacher dressed like Guinevere walked by.
I huffed out a breath and glared at him.
"Here I was having a nice time and you had to butt in and ruin it for me."
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.
"With Thomas? Please. All he was trying to do is shag you."
"Excuse me? He was not trying to shag me." I glared at him angrily. His six foot two frame had about ten inches on me but I could have leveled him with my glare.
"Have you seen yourself in that dress?" He asked, "I wouldn't be surprised if every guy in this room wanted to shag you."

  My eyes got wide at his statement. After seeing my reaction I noticed his cheeks take on a tinge of pink.
"I shouldn't have said that." He said. "Please forgive me that was out of line."
I nodded, accepting his apology. "Not speak fitting of a marquess?" I teased as he spun me out and then back in again.
He shot me a look. "You know nothing of being a marquess." He shot out bitterly.
"Well 'scuse me your Grand High Fluffiness." I joked, "And saying as to the fact that I am neither male, nor does my father own a large portion of the country, no, I guess I 'know nothing of being a marquess.'" I circled the last words with air quotes and mocked his accent before returning them to their rightful place in our dance position.

  I received a dirty glare in turn and the song changed. "You know that your attempt at my accent is absolutely deplorable."
"You know that your attempt at my accent is absolutely deplorable." I mocked.
"Stop that." He spat.
"Stop that."
He huffed out a defeated sigh and twirled me out across the floor. This dance made me really appreciate all of those cotillion lessons that my mother made me take in middle school.

  I let out a small laugh when he almost stepped on my foot.
"Aren't you supposed to have taken dancing lessons as a child?" I joked. "I'm a 'commoner' and even I took cotillion."
"Is everything you know about royalty something that you've learned from one of those cheesy American movies?" He fired back with a smirk.
"Well, I am a sucker for romantic comedies and most of those involve a handsome prince. How I ended up with you I have no idea." We took another turn around the floor.
"Well I may not be a Prince but I'm close enough, and just about any girl in this room would tell you I have the handsome part down," he said. Everything about him oozed confidence and it irked me.
"A little full of ourselves are we?" I said, "You remind me of that annoying blonde guy in What a Girl Wants. Y'know the one that Amanda Bynes pushed into the water."

  He rolled his eyes.

  The longer we danced the more I began to realize the dirty looks I was getting from various girls around the room. "What's stuck up their asses?" I asked Jack with a tinge of humor evident in my voice.
"I believe they are jealous." He stated, eyes glancing over my shoulder.
"I believe that you are more than a little bit arrogant." I stated matter-of-factly.

"What time is it?" I ask after the band transitioned to the fifth song that they had played since we had begun dancing.
Jack looked down at the Rolex on his right wrist, "it's going on eleven thirty." He replied.
The dance would be over in thirty minutes and I had lost sight of Clara completely. My attention was drawn back to Jack when the sound of his smooth voice cascaded down my hairline.
"Would you maybe want to go with me to the dining hall for some tea after this is over?" He asked.
I looked up at him, our faces a little closer than I expected, "It closed over an hour ago." I replied.
His lips drew up into a small smirk before he pointed to himself and whispered "Marquess."
I nodded and smiled back.

  Usually I would have gone upstairs and changed out of my clothes for bed, but I was sort of enjoying my time with Jack. He was being uncharacteristically sweet. By no means was I going to take this any further than tea because he was the enemy, but I did want to take this opportunity to find out what made him tick. So whenever the band finally announced the end of the dance Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me through the double doors to the café.
Hey guys! Sorry for the long(ish) wait I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go with this chapter so, I added a little fluff. I know it's kind of late in the game, and I'm sorry, but I kinda changed Jack's physical features. OKAY STORY TIME: I based the blonde hair/blue eyes thing on (my now ex) boyfriend. Since we broke up, every time I thought of Jack, I pictured him soooooo I've changed his features. He now has dark auburn hair and green eyes. His adorable little freckles are still here so no need to fret and he's still tall so yeah. I'm kinda going for a little bit of a Eddie Redmayne kinda vibe (because he will never break my heart and he's a little cutie pie) I hope you guys enjoy and next chapter will be the tea drinking scene.
As always much love,
Sav 💋

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