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"You can't run away from faith. It's your destiny."

I shake my head.

"No. No! Just leave me alone!"

"Without me you're to die a slow and agonizing death. Only I can show you the way."

I'm in darkness. I can't see. Only hear, smell, and panic.

He voice is like fingernails being scratched along a chalkboard right along side my ears and it smells of death.

"I'd rather die than have you near me!" I screech pulling at my hair.

"Oh but I'm not near you."

A mirror pops up and which should be my reflection staring back at me is instead the Lich.

"I am you."

I wake up with a gasp and quickly squint my eyes back shut due to the blinding light.

Wait... blinding light? The dungeon doesn't have blinding lights...

My eyes open and become adjusted to the light and I sit up to look around.

As I look around I notice I'm dressed up in a white gown and am laying on an hospital like bed. I have two IVs in my right arm which are extremely uncomfortable.

The room is filled with colors of the rainbow which makes me to think of the Candy Kingdom.

As I'm done thinking, Dr. Ice Cream walks into the room looking down at a clipboard talking to himself a bit looking confused.

I clear my throat and he stops in his steps and looks up at me with shock in his face.

"Hey doc," I say casually yet in an awkward tone.

He drops his clipboard and quickly runs out the room.

"Dr. Ice cream wait!" I shout out but it's too late.

I sigh and my eyes instantly notice the clip board Dr. Ice Cream dropped.

I slowly get up and struggle to keep my balance. I grip onto the pole which connects the IVs from liquid to me and slowly but successfully begin to move my way across the room.

I get to the clipboard and pick it up noticing my name in it, I begun to read out the things written on it.

"Patient: y/l/n, y/f/n. Age: 18. Birth date: unknown. Patient y/n has been brought to the Candy Kingdom with malnutrition, open and infected wounds, and internal bleeding."

Sheesh I didn't know I was that bad...

I continue reading.

"Y/n has a heart race slower than normal, as well as low body temperature. Patient is recovering rapidly over the course of the two weeks- TWO WEEKS?!"

Holy shit snacks covered in caramel! I've been out for two weeks!


I turn my head to see Gumball looking like hell. He has major bags underneath his eyes and his hair is all ruffled up instead of the usual neat laid down style he usually wears. He's dressed in a pair of a matching pink pajama set which is wrinkled all over.

"Hey Gumba-"

I don't finish my greeting when he rushes into me forcefully but gentle at the same time.

"I'm so glad you're ok..." he whispers.

I hug him back and am not able to get a word out except for a little "yeah".

He pulls away from the hug and quickly looks me up and down.

"I'm glad nothing severally happened to you."

I snort. "Trust me... you don't know what I've been through."

I sit at the same table I sat at the day I came to see Gumball before and I eat a pile of pancakes- extra fluffy with A LOT of bacon.

I eat alone with sound of more food being prepared in the kitchen.

After I told Gumball he was livvd at what I went through and to know it was because of Haden being power hungry he got even more upset. I also told him about Marshall's take over of the Nightosphere him marrying Ashley soon and he was officially over the wall upset.

He then went to go clean himself up after telling me hasn't slept nor shower since I got here. I was not having it so I forced him to his room.

As I finish up my pancakes I begin to gulp down my cup of apple juice (because it's the best- no argument may be made :)) the doors swing open and in comes someone who've I honestly missed so much.

"Y/n oh my glob."

I stand up and we go to share a warm embrace but I remember I'm human, he's fire. That doesn't exactly mix very well.

"Flame I missed you," I smile out.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I- I feel horrible about what happened. When Gumball came to me... I didn't know what to think and... and..."

He lets out a big sigh and rubs his hands against his face as he takes a deep breath in.

"Flame... I'm ok-"

"Are you really?" He asks as his hands are still on his face.

Was I ok? I couldn't even answer the question myself. But hey, anything to get people off my back.


He looks at me through his fingers as if I'm crazy.

"I am ok because I don't have to be in the dark anymore, I am ok because I'm not being tortured for fun, I'm ok because now I can see what I need to see. I am now ok- not great, but ok."

He nods and removes his hands from his face and smiles a bit.

"Flame Prince."

We both look to see Gumball walking towards us looking like himself in his Prince attire.

"Hey Gumball."

He nods then looks to me.

"Are you full?"

I chuckle a bit. "I think I'll need seconds in a minute."


He and Gumball both tense up and look to me in panic.

"What?" I ask clearly confused.

The next thing you know Fiona burst through the doors.

A smile is on her face until she sees me and it fades.

My whole body grows cold and I grow angry, the next to you know I see darkness.

Lost But Not Forgotten (Sequel to "A Strong Love")Where stories live. Discover now