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"Why won't you listen to us!" Fiona yells her face flushed red due to the anger pulsing through her.

Marshall shrugs looking at her with lifeless eyes, "Maybe because there's nothing to listen to."

"Your unbelievable Marshall Lee," Gumball mumbles crossing his arms across his chest.

"I still don't know why he's here, it's not like he cares for me," Marshall mumbles rolling his eyes.

"But we care! I bet y/n out there somewhere-"

"I'm done talking, you may leave now." Marshall spins on his heels and starts to walk away.

"Fi maybe we should leave him alone," Cake says placing her hand on Fiona's calf.

"No! Y/n is gone and he doesn't even care!"

Marshall stops completely and turns to look at Fiona with his pupils dilated, "I don't care? I. Don't. Care!?"

He makes quick movements to Fiona and the others. "Get the fuck out now! You have no idea what I went through! Get! The! Fuck! Out!" His eyes have taken their demon form and cake and Gumball cower in fear.

"Well I hope you have a nice life Marshall chasing away your loved ones." Fi turns picks up cake and leaves with Gumball on her tail.

Marshall bites his bottom lip and sighs leaning against the wall. "Oh y/n... where did you go?"

Lost But Not Forgotten (Sequel to "A Strong Love")Where stories live. Discover now