Day 2

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Day 2



Nepgear lied down on a lawn chair outside to rest. She had been working all morning writing papers as Noire spectated to make sure she did everything correctly. The warm heat from the sun was accompanied by the cool breeze of the wind creating that perfect level temperature for relaxing. Nepgear held her right arm on her stomach as it ached.

"My arm hurts.. That was a lot of paperwork to do, probably more than what I do in half a week". Nepgear closed her eyes and took in the outside atmosphere, allowing herself to rejoice that the work was finished (for now).

Noire walked to the balcony doors to check on Nepgear since she knew the Planeptunian candidate wasn't use to the level of work she had put her through.

Maybe i should have toned down the amount i had her do.. Well atleast it's done.

"Nepgear, the work for today is finished so take the time off for now, i will be in my quarters so.. D-Dont disturb me". Noire hesitantly walked to her room, checking to see if Nepgear had followed her, and closed the doors behind her.

Wonder what Noire is doing?.. I'm sure she doesn't want to be bothered right now... I dont wanna move either, it's so nice here.


Nepgear opened her droopy eyes, awaking uncomfortably from the lawn chair she was resting on.

Oh goodness, did I fall asleep? What time is it? I wonder if Noire needs me. I should probably go ask.

Nepgear got up and stretched the sleepiness away then proceeded to make her way to Noire's quarters.

I wonder what Noire does on her free time? Oh! I should make some tea for her, she works so much I bet she's stressed.

Nepgear headed to the kitchen, deciding to prepare tea for Noire and herself.

"I wonder what types they have?"

Nepgear almost had a heart attack as she saw the very first type of tea.


Nepgear could only stare at the green tea bag in awe.

Tieguanyin is the most expensive tea in Gamindustry! Noire actually has this! I-I've always wanted to.. try it.. but I shouldn't, that would be unfair of me. Also it's not mine.

Nepgear took out a different pack of tea and prepared that instead. It was a regular green tea which she then had to stop herself from fangirling over the tea set Noire had which was laced with pure gold designs.

She carried the tea to Noire's quarters where she heard Noire talking inside.

Do we have guests? I might have to go make more then.

Nepgear was about to retreat and make two more cups when a loud crash came from Noire's quarters. Nepgear quickly, but extremely gently, put down the tea and rushed into the room.

"Noire are you ok?!" Nepgear asked as she dashed into the room.

Noire lay on the floor, having tripped over the chair she had in front of a mirror for checking herself. She lay there in a black strapless one piece dress with a lovely pink bow around the right waist. On her right arm was a beaded black wristband, pink high heel shoes, and a few feet away was a glittery light beige hand purse.

Nepgear just stared at Noire, unable to find the words to follow up to what she was witnessing.

"N-NEPGEAR?!" Noire shouted in surprise.

"I-I'm sorry Noire! I shouldn't have intruded, It's just I heard you fall so I panicked and rushed in but-". Noire quickly composed herself and cut off Nepgear realising the candidate was having a panic attack.

"C-Calm down Nepgear! It's alright! I'm fine!"

"Wha-What's with that outfit? Is it cosplay?" Noire took a second before remembering what she was wearing.

"W-What?! Uh.. No! This is...I was trying on outfits for.. For.. I was going to meet someone!.. A friend later.. And.. This is the outfit I'm gonna wear! Yeah.. That's it.." Nepgear wasn't very convinced but went along with it.

"Oh, well I haven't ever seen you use a purse so.. is it a date?" Noire's face went beat red trying to wing this conversation.


"Are you ok Noire? You seem stressed".

"I-I'm perfectly fine.. it's not like I'm lying about this stuff or anything! I have to go get ready!" Noire power walked as fast as she could out of her quarters to avoid continuing their talk.

Nepgear was left more confused than ever as she watched the Tsundere CPU rush out of the room before looking around. The 10 foot vicinity of where Nepgear stood was now littered with the clothing Noire was 'Trying On'. Nepgear just shrugged it off and began to pick up the clothing and fold them.

"Noire was going to wear a military dress to a date? And a Sailor suit?"

Yep... Definitely a date she's going to.. My goodness.



Histoire and Uni stood at the side of Neptune's bed watching her sleep, both looking completely worn out. Instruments and other things were littered over the CPUS floor in their attempts to wake up the girl.

"Nepgear always wakes her up quickly.. How does she do it?" Histoire pondered with her small hand in a thinking position on her cheek.

"I.. Don't Know.. We tried everything too!" Uni complained.

"Yes even pudding didn't work.. she must be dreaming about it so it made her dream even more about pudding when we waved it in front of her face".

Uni scratched her cheek in thought before turning to Histoire.

"What are we going to do?"

"You can wake her up, I have to get started on the work for today since we're already behind". Histoire floated out of the room with a stressed look on her face.

Histoire must really have it hard.. I would too if I had to take care of Neptune my whole life.. How do you even sleep for this long?

Uni leaned over Neptune to see her face which she looked to be happy with her dream, but had a trail of drool leading to a forming puddle on the sheets.

Ew! That's disgusting!

Uni grabbed a tissue and carefully cleaned up Neptune's face. She had been in the CPUS room for at least 3 hours now trying to wake her up.

How does Histoire expect me to wake her up when the person who lives here can't do it? I bet Noire or Blanc could wake her, I don't have anything that could help really.

Neptune tossed over to face the candidate, her sleepy face would have made anyone "aw" at her if they hadn't been through the process of trying to wake her up. Uni tried to pull the covers off but Neptune had a death grip on it. She tried poking her again but, like those random bookshelf in the background of games, nothing happened. Uni tried playing a loud song in Neptune's ears but that had no effect.

This is just useless... I can't let her wake on her own cuz she will never go to bed... or at least that's what Histoire said.

Uni pondered as she stared down the sleeping girl, pacing back and forth, thinking about everything she hadn't done yet that might work.

"That's it! I will just- Waah!" Uni slipped on one of the magazines that Histoire had tried to smack Neptune awake with and fell onto the CPU.


Uni sat at the couch, a cup of tea in hand as she watched Neptune cram levels on an RPG she was hooked on. Uni just sat there since waking up Neptune, unable to really come to terms with what happened.

I can't believe that happened... but it's was an accident.. I Just fell and accidentally kissed her so i shouldn't think about it too much... I should keep this a secret.

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