Day 6 Part 1

688 17 9

Day 6



Neptune sat at the table eating breakfast, Nep Loops cereal and Orange Juice, as Histoire floated around figuring out what needs to be done for next week (because if she doesn't have a plan nothing will get done). Neptune finished up her orange juice, some cereal was still in her bowl, and felt like wanting some more.

"Uni? Could I have some more orange juice?" Neptune called towards the kitchen.

"S-Sure!" Uni replied back, walking out of the kitchen holding the orange juice carton in her hands and an embarrassed blush on her face.

Uni was wearing a full blown maid outfit as she came up next to Neptune.

"Thanks Uni!"

"N-Neptune?" Uni stammered as she poured more orange juice into Neptune's cup.


"Was this really what you wanted?"

"Well, since the story is K+ I can't give any of the skinship I know our readers want but I thought this would be just as good!"

"Sk-Skinship?! We've only just started dating Neptune and you're already thinking about that?!"

"Well it was just a thought, it's bound to happen in the future but yeah, supply and demand, ya know?"

"I-I guess..."

"Is the outfit tight at all?"

"Is haven't worn it in a while but no, it fits fine. How long do I have to wear it?"

"Hehe, All day~".


"Yep, unless you want me to up the rating on the story and we cou-".

"No no no nono it's fine! It's fine this is fine". Uni's face was redder than a celebrity carpet as she took the orange juice carton back to the fridge.

"So I was thinking, I wanna go to chuko's store again to pick up something new~ Uni ya wanna come?"

"Go outside? Like this?! Nonono I can't that's too embarrassing!"

"Aw come on~ Everyone will get to see how cute you look in a maid outfit".

"I don't want people to see though!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's embarrassing!"


"No buts! I'm not going outside dressed like this Neptune. It's... just too much".

"Ok..." Neptune sighed in disappointment as she had finished her cereal and begun to take her dishes to the kitchen.

"Neptune, before you go, I require that you do your work beforehand. It is starting to stack up again". Histoire requested as she wrote down stuff on a small notebook.

"What~? Work? First Uni and now this... geez... UNI". Uni jumped from hearing her name called already.

"Y-Yes Neptune?"

"Assist me in my work again please".

"I don't think a maid is suppose to do office work though".

"She's right Neptune, looks like you're on your own today. Now I won't tolerate idling, please begin immediately".



Neptune stepped out of her office, Uni awaited her at the door to help out with carrying the papers. Uni had noticed Neptune was finished and came up to her. Uni hugged Neptune as Neptune had taken 4 hours to complete the work, which Neptune hugged back as best she could with the papers still in her hands.

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