Day 6 Part 2

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Day 6



Noire awoke, stretching her arms as the sun's morning rays shun through the curtains. She rubbed her eyes to rid the gound before looking to her right to check the time... K-Sha was next to her... Noire slightly squinted, thinking she was still slightly asleep and turned over to her left... Nepgear was on that side too... Noire sat up and carefully leaned over Nepgear to look for her sleeping bag which was on the floor. K-Sha's was on her side as well. She definitely wasn't sleeping anymore.

"Geez... They couldn't just sleep in their sleeping bags". Noire whispered to herself before crawling down to the end of her bed and climbing over the short railing.

She took another glimpse to the two girls in her bed, sleeping soundly without a stir which made Noire grin briefly before she walked into her washroom to take a shower, locking the door behind her.

"I didn't think Nepgear was the clingy type, even though Neptune said she acted like a baby at times". Noire said to herself as she began removing her pajamas.

"I know K-Sha to be one to not let things go by her so easily but Nepgear? I didn't think K-Sha sleeping in my room would have caused a reaction... I guess I have a lot to learn about my her". Noire stepped into the shower after having adjusted the temperature.

Nepgear stirred a bit before sitting up, covering her eyes as the streaks of sun caught her a bit. She slipped out of the bed and headed to the bathroom Noire said was in her room to find the door was locked.

"Hm? Oh... hehe Noire must have just woken up. I guess I will go use the one by the kitchen". Nepgear made her way, carefully opening and closing the door to make sure not to wake the still sleeping K-Sha.


Noire walked out of the bathroom fully dressed, having spare clothes lying in wait inside, and walked over to her dresser mirror to put in her hair ribbons. As she put in the first, she gazed over at the bed so see Nepgear was gone.

Nepgear's awake, she must have gone to the other bathroom. She should be done soon so I should get to making breakfast.

Noire quickly put in the ribbons and made her way to the kitchen, putting on her apron and getting to work. Nepgear arrived in the kitchen, refreshed from the shower and sat down at the table.

"Morning Noire".

"Morning Nepgear, did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, just fine. Your mattress is a little different than the one Uni uses so it was a little bothersome but It was alright".

"Yeah, Uni use to say the same whenever she would climb in. I have a memory foam so changing positions isn't really the most comfortable thing to do unlike Uni's pillow top".

"So she uses the same type Neptune uses. Neptune always says it's the best mattress but I don't think there is a best mattress since everyone's opinion is different". Noire nodded in agreement as she fried some bacon on her pan.

"Neptune likes to think everything she does is the best. She's lucky she's a goddess so she can't get diabetes or she would probably have been long dead from the snacks and pudding. I don't know how Histoire puts up with it". Noire huffed.

"I guess so, though she is right sometimes". Nepgear added.

Noire put down the pan and grabbed some hotcake batter.

"Would you wanna help me make hotcakes?" Nepgear jumped at the opportunity.

"Of course! Any way I can help!"

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