"Are you sure your fine?" I asked nova as we made our way into pax for the very last day. "Yea of course." I felt like she wasn't telling me somthing. Every time I asked her about the dream she would totally avoid it. The whole ride here she avoided eye contact. We made our way to the back. "Don't forget girls we have a panel starting at 2:15!" My dad shouted after as I nodded my head. "SAAAAM,NOVA!" I saw Alex and we embraced in a hug but nova pushed away and began to act stubborn again. I gave her the look as if I was telling her" what was that for?" She shrugged and glared at Alex. Alex and I exchanged looks. "I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back." Nova rolled her eyes and headed in the direction of the restrooms. "Is she ok?" Alex asked me as she disappeared behind the door. "No she's been acting weird ever since she had a bad dream."
"Oh makes since. Is she always stubborn like that?"
"At first,ya, but then you get to know her and she the most amazing person you have ever seen." I realized I had a huge smile on my face when I said that. "I'm guessing you two have been friends for quite some time."
"Actually,no. We just met at the begging of this week."
"Oh? I would have never guessed. You two seemed like you were born in the same room and haven't separated since."
"Geez I wish."
"She's taking her time in there huh? You should go and check on her and make sure she's ok. "
I shrugged and fast walked to the woman's restroom. I shoved the door open as it creaked and it echoed. "Nova?" I looked at her sitting on the fancy counter. "What do you want?" She said giving me her attitude. "What's wrong? And don't just say nothing!" I jumped up on the counter right beside her. "UHG! You know it's rude to leave your date waiting..." Nova smirked. "He's not my date. Just tell me why your being a bitch. " I crossed my arms and looked her dead in the eyes. "Ugh fine. I had a dream about Alex and his creepy uncle."
"I'm listening"
"They sorta kid napped is and cut you into bits and tied me up."
"I bet it's just a dream,Alex would never do that. Heck he wouldn't hurt a fly."
"I guess your right. I really am a soulless bitch." Nova jumped off the counter and went out of the bathroom. I chased after her and we headed back to were Alex was. "Alex, I'm so sorry that I have been a complete asshole. I just hope we can forget my behavior and be friends." Nova figeted with the bottom of her shirt. "OF COURSE YOU SILLY!" Alex leaped and hugged Nova tightly. "Now let's go do some fun activities!" Alex screeched as we marched our way through the crowed.********************************************
"Hey it's 2:00 right now I think we should start heading over."
"Wait where are we going?" Alex questioned.
"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you me and nova and our family's are having a panel."
"OH! I can't wait to watch it. " Alex got exited and we made our way across the con.
"Hello ladies! Oh and gentleman. "Mark said to us. "Hello" we all replied. "Ok I'm gonna go get seated see you after." Alex walked off into the crowed of people. "You girls ready?" "Kinda nervous but ya!" I said with some enthusiasm. "Ya, I guess." "Ok then let's go get our mics on." I put its on and did a mic check. Hm works fine. "Get ready." My dad leaned toward me. At this point I was a nervous reck. What if I fall off the stage? Or trip as I'm making a entrance? Oh what will I do? Oh hahah sorry ya look at me I'm clumzeeeeee hahahah eeeeeeh... That would be the most awkward thing. "And introducing,the most septic of them all....SAM!" I heard the crowed cheer as I walked on and I waved and smiled. "Hello." I said looking at all the brightly lit faces. The announcer called every one on stage. "Hello everyone!" Mark said to the crowed as they hushed down. "So this is my family." He gestured to all of us. "Maybe not by blood but BY THE POWER OF FRIEND SHIP!" He sorta looked up as if he was in a movie and clenched his fist. "Shut up you fookin idiot I'm not ur friend." My dad,Jack, had said mockingly. "UH! I'm so hurt. HEY! This is my SHOW! Get off the stage and think about what you've done!" "Whaha just please don't hurt me!" Jack jokingly walked toward the exit of the stage. "So we thought since we're so boooooorrrreeimg we thought we could play some cards against humanity." Mark announced "Ya cause we're so booooooorrrreeiiiinng!" I added in "I KNOW SHADUP!" Mark said in that high pitched voice. "But..." "AH! You wouldn't want to join your father now would you?!"
"No mister red pewdiepie."
"OHHHHH! HA TAKE THAT! She likes her ol uncle pewds BETTER!" Felix mocked.
"THATS NOT TRUE!" Mark argued.
"Don't worry dad only one person on this earth likes you."
"Awwww thanks sweetie."
"I wasn't suggesting me! I was talking about grandma!"
"OH! Take that Mark roasted by your own daughter!" Amy shoved the words in marks face.
"Come on! Singe you like me right?!"
"Eh. I'm not your mom."
"OHHHHHHH!" The crowed joined in.
"HEY! Don't take their side!"
"I like you Mark!" Someone In the audience shouted.
"At least some one besides my mom likes me!"
"Can we move on to the fookin game now that you feel appreciated ?!" Jack complained
"Yes we may."Hello friends! Thank you so much for 1k reads! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time, BU BYEEEEEE!!!!!!