Into My Life (Zindra's POV)

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"Zindra," the professor calls. I wasn't paying attention.

"Twelve," one of my best friends, Teo Omen, whispers.

"Twelve," I repeat.

"I'm sorry, Zindra, perhaps you heard me incorrectly. I asked you what the capital of Terra Mortua is," the professor condescends. The class, especially Teo, snickers. I mentally curse him.

"Sorry, Madame Selkrik. The answer is Intutus."

"Thank you, Zindra. Please pay attention next time," she says, her voice clipped. I nod. The professor moves on and I glare at Teo. If looks could kill...

Teo smirks at me.

"You should have been paying attention," he whispers.

"Oh, like you pay attention, you Culus," I whisper back. He grins sheepishly. Just then, someone taps me on the shoulder. I look behind me and see Gliese holding out a note. I take it from her hand.

'Are you dating Teo?' it reads. What?! Gross! I fervently shake my head.

"Oh," she whispers.

Why would anyone think I was dating Teo? He's a brother to me! He's the one who's been actively trying to set me up with my longtime crush, Maxxam! Plus, he likes our friend Della Sona.

"Zindra!" the professor calls, snapping me out of my thoughts. My head jerks up.


"The answer, please," Madame Selkrik says impatiently. I fume.

"I'll write it on the board, yeah?" I ask. She shrugs.

"I don't see why not," she says. I stand up and walk towards the front of the room.

'Pedicabo ego vos,' I write, ending the 's' with a flourish. I then bow and leave the room, everyone gasping behind me.

I walk aimlessly around the halls for a few minutes until I hear "Zindra Eyva Flair to the Headmaster's Section please, Zindra Eyva Flair to the Headmaster's Section" on the intercom. Rolling my eyes, I switch directions and walk towards HMS.

"Zindra," Headmaster Torvis says sternly.

"Yes?" I say innocently.

"Do you have any idea what the consequences of your actions could be!?"

"To some extent," I admit. He pulls out the Handbook of Rules, Regulations, and Consequences: Schooling.

"First Offence: Warning.

Second Offence: Lunch Detention.

Third Offence: After-School Detention.

Fourth Offence: ASD and a call home.

Fifth Offence: A week-"

"Okay, this is all great, but what about for me?" I ask. Torvis frowns. He hates having his thunder stolen.

"Let's see... This is your... Ninth? offence..."

"Tenth, actually."

"Right. Ten offences... Oh dear..."

"Quid est?"

"Ten offences makes one infraction," he informs me. I frown. I was hoping he wouldn't say that. "Plus, your father was taken away for being curious, and you've been showing signs of curiosity... So that means... One infraction and a FLT."

"A First Level Tracker??"

"I'm afraid so."

"Malum est!"

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