The Capitulum (Zindra's POV)

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I knock on the door. After waiting for three minutes, I chicken out. Just as I turn to leave, however, the door opens.

"Zindra?" he says. I face him again. The sight of his golden eyes is enough to make me melt.

"Um...hi," I say geniously.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. I sigh. It's now or never. I grab him by the collar and, pulling him towards me, kiss him.

"I love you, Maxxam," I say, and leave. He grabs my arm roughly.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"I...I was Chosen," I explain. He looks shocked, but recovers quickly by pulling me to him and kissing me gently.

"And I love you, Zindra Eyva Flair," he says. "Call often?" I assure him that I will and give him a goodbye hug and kiss.

As I turn to leave for real this time, I notice a sleek black hovercar. It must be my ride, as the Capitulum are the only members of Terra Mortua permitted to have them. As I approach it, the front door opens and a red-carpeted staircase unfolds. I climb the steps and hoist myself into the luxurious seat. Once I get comfortable, the seat belt buckles me in and a woman's face pops up on the screen.

"Hello, Zindra," she greets. I nod in acknowledgement. "I am Cascade Clara Carnegie. Please instruct the hovercar to take you to the Capitulum," she tells me. I do so. "Thank you. That is all. I will see you in a bit," Cascade says, and then her face disappears, leaving a map in its place. As this is my first time in a hovercar, I find it quite spectacular. The view is simply breathtaking! Unfortunately, the hovercar seems to be going unnaturally slow.

"Can this thing go any faster?" I wonder aloud.

"Certainly," the car's internal speaker replies, speeding up. I smile to myself. How wondrous technology is.

I gape as we fly past Ataraxy coterie limits and head into Dolorous. The difference is incredible. Gone are the modern, monotonous buildings I call home. Replacing them are cold, gray, and squat structures. We zoom through Dolorous and into Euphoria. The buildings become cheery, creative, and tasteful. Next we go through Ire. The buildings are fierce and savage. In Pomposity, the buildings are tall, impressive, and grand. Trepidation, the sixth coterie, is filled with looming, dismal structures. I shiver involuntarily as we fly over it. Finally, we arrive at what I assume to be the Capitulum. The buildings are wild, wacky, and eccentric. As are the people. I gawk. I will definitely stand out.

The hovercar descends and Cascade's face pops back on the screen. She smiles, revealing unnaturally white teeth. They're so white they actually gleam.

"Hello again, Zindra. If you'll get out of the hovercar, you'll see Dane Remus Honeymann waiting to escort you. Goodbye," she says and the screen goes blank. I try to open the door, but nothing happens. Suddenly, I remember Fergus telling the door of the Ineluctabilis to close.

"Open door," I command. It does. The carpeted staircase unfurls again. I descend from the hovercar.

"Thank you for riding," it says once I reach the ground. It zooms off. I glance around briefly, taking in all the stares I'm receiving and reciprocating them.

"Over here," I hear a gruff voice call. I look over my shoulder and see a man with a spiky mohawk and several piercings dressed in a flamboyantly neon suit. Dane, I assume. I walk over. He hooks his arm around mine. I start, but leave my arm linked in his. He guides me along a tiled pathway to a door labeled 'Praeparatio.' He lets go of my arm. I look at him.

"In," he orders. I bite my lip and walk in. This should be fun.

Everybody looks up.

"Er, hi," I say. A woman with pink and white striped hair and arms covered in tattoos giggles.

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