chapter two

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we walked across the street just as the boys' parents were getting in the car. their mom saw us and said,
"Maddi! Blake! I'm so happy you're here. Justin's not taking this well at all, when I told him he ran up to his room and hasn't come out since."
"oh my gosh! I'm gonna go talk to him!" I yelled as I ran inside.
when I got inside I looked out the window and Blake was still talking to Justin's mom. I ran up the stairs and knocked on Justin's door.
"jay?" I called through the door.
"who is it?" he called.
"it's me, Maddi."
I heard him sniffle and realized that he was crying. I immediately started crying because two of my best friends were in a car accident and might not make it. it just hit me that they might not make it to be 17.
Justin opened the door and just looked at me. we were both in tears, but he was broken. I reached forward and hugged him and whispered,
"are you okay?"
he sniffled and responded,
he sniffled again and tucked his head in the crook of my neck. he started crying again and his tears soaked my shoulder. we stood there until Blake came upstairs.
"hey, you okay?"
Justin didn't look up, he just whispered,
"not really."
"okay, well I'm gonna go to the hospital, okay Mads? are you good to stay here with Justin for the night? I'll be back later but I might just go home after I get back." Blake said with a certain sadness in his voice.
"yeah, we'll be okay. see you later."
by now, Justin had looked up to say goodbye to Blake.
after Blake left, Justin looked a bit better. he walked over to his bed and sat down; I sat beside him. he looked down and started playing with his fingers.
"are you okay?"
I asked him; I was a bit worried because he hadn't said anything in a couple minutes.
"mhm," was all he mumbled.
he looked up and had tears in his eyes.
"no you're not. you're not okay, and that's fine. it's okay not to be okay."
I hugged him and he started crying uncontrollably.
"hey, it's okay, Justin. they're gonna be okay. I'm here, I got you. you're okay," I tried my best to comfort him.
it broke my heart to see him like this. just a hopeless, broken teenager.

bam, another chapter. I'll probably update again later today because I really enjoy reading the next chapter, so be on the lookout for that. also, if y'all could maybe share this with some friends if you like it?

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