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I know not of the sword, but the devil itself.
I know not of the wings, but the talons themselves.
I know not of the thoughts, but the instinct itself.
I know not of the eyes, but the smile of victory and power itself.
I know not the words, but the heart itself.
I know not, yet I know of the beauty in fear. The fear of beauty itself.

I see not respect, but thousands of bowed heads.
I see not pain, but alliances.
I see not love, but masks.
I see not family, but tall walls.
I see not hunger, but money.
I see not blue and green, but red.
I see nothing, yet I see all

Two worlds that live side by side
Creating another circle of life
Those below give everything
And those on top shower in bling
They do not know that they're all humans for all they know that others don't matter
All is them and that's what makes them better

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