Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 6 Recap

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Joseon. Dam-ryung rides furiously back to town, after hearing that Lord Yoon and his gisaeng partner are going after the mermaid.

It's Dam-ryung's sidekick who gets to Se-hwa first and ushers her out of the house, thankfully. So when gisaeng Hong-ran charges in with her entourage in tow, the room is empty. Hong-ran vows to show what she can accomplish when she puts her mind to it. Nothing good, I'm sure.

Dam-ryung's sidekick leads Se-hwa to a cave, then sighs at her willingness to trust a stranger, not having even known who he was. He identifies himself as Dam-ryung's friend, defining the word as "someone who, even when a person says unbelievable things, believes him. And if that person loves someone, he helps protect her."

He instructs her to stay while he fetches Dam-ryung. As he leaves, he comments to himself that he can see why Dam-ryung was captivated.

He doesn't get very far when Lord Yoon's henchmen spot him, and they chase him through the woods and along a rocky cliff. The friend loses his footing, falling down to certain death.

Dam-ryung arrives home to see the place ransacked. Heading out, he scours the snowy forest searching for Se-hwa, while she waits in the cold cave. Finally, his torch goes dark.

In Seoul, Joon-jae waits at the top of Namsan Tower, not knowing Chung has been hit by a car, or that she's being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

Joon-jae's stepbrother Chi-hyun, the driver of that car, follows to the hospital. She was found without ID or a phone, so the hospital hopes she will wake and identify herself.

As Joon-jae drives out of the parking area, something catches his eye—the flyers that scattered when Chung was hit, which he'd seen her passing out. He finds a cell phone on the ground and calls 1 on speed dial. Sure enough, he's on the receiving end of that call.

He starts calling around to ask about accident victims, but is told that the snow has caused so many accidents that it'll take time to track down the information. Hit with a wave of panic, he remembers all the times Chung sweetly showed him concern, and starts going from hospital to hospital, asking after a young woman with long hair and white skin who's very beautiful. No dice, though.

Chairman Heo sends his close subordinate, Manager Nam, home to fetch a black tie for a funeral. His wife (Joon-jae's stepmother) is expecting him and hands him the tie, saying that her husband just called. But when Manager Nam delivers the tie, the chairman belatedly realizes he forgot to call his wife to cancel dinner. The discrepancy strikes Manager Nam as odd.

The chairman arrives at the same hospital that Joon-jae does, though they don't see each other. Joon-jae tears into the ER, fixated on finding Chung—and this time he does.

Taking in her scratched-up, unconscious form, he approaches looking stricken. He checks Chung's temperature and yells at a nurse for not looking after her. The nurse assures him that Chung checked out fine, but when rechecking, it's clear Chung's vitals have worsened and doctors are hurriedly called.

Joon-jae stands by helplessly as the doctor begins defibrillation. Scenes of Dam-ryung and the mermaid flash by—in Chung's mind, it seems.

Chung flatlines, and Joon-jae is overcome with emotion as he takes hold of her hand. More flashes of the past depict Dam-ryung's meeting with the mermaid, her release into the sea, and their handclasp afterward.

And as Joon-jae clasps Chung's hand tightly, her eyes flutter open.

She calls his name, and he looks up with red eyes, staring in disbelief. She tells him she dreamt a dream: "You took my hand. You saved me."

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