Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 18 Recap

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Chi-hyun rushes home to check on Dad, fearing his life is at risk, and hears Dad in the middle of leaving his voicemail message to Joon-jae. It hurts to hear him expressing his regrets for leaving his former family and telling Joon-jae that he loves him.

Then Dad's hand goes slack, and Chi-hyun rushes to his side, holding a finger to Dad's nose to check his breath. He recoils when there's no sign of life, then spots the glass of tainted water on the nightstand and dumps out the liquid, washing the glass compulsively before calling for an ambulance.

When the authorities arrive, a regular glass of water is on the nightstand and Chi-hyun plays the part of grieving son. He answers police officers' questions about Dad's medical history and Mom's whereabouts.

Joon-jae rushes to the house as the body is being carried out and falls to his knees in grief. He spots Chi-hyun stepping out with the officer and launches himself at him, decking him in the face, accusing him and his mother of being the reason for Dad's death. Joon-jae swears to kill them both, while Chi-hyun puts on his most victimized face as he lets Joon-jae rage away.

The officer shoves him aside, demanding to know who he is. Joon-jae identifies himself as the chairman's son, but balks when Chi-hyun calls him his brother and punches him again. It takes a whole team of cops to pull Joon-jae off him, but then Detective Hong races in to order them to back off Joon-jae.

Detective Hong gets Joon-jae to calm down, and all that anger turns to self-recrimination as Joon-jae cries that he should have prevented Dad's death. The detective tells him that it's all the more reason for him to pull himself together and get to the bottom of this.

At home, Chung paces by the pool, which seems like a terrible idea to me, given how Nam-doo seeks her out here. He asks how she knew Dae-young had lost his memory, venturing a guess: "Did you by any chance do that to him?"

He leans in closer and says that she's quite a mystery, and that he's curious to know what skills she possesses. "Who are you?" he asks.

"I'm your friend," Chung tells him. Nam-doo says that in his line of work, he frequently makes friends with people and then backstabs them. She replies that she dislikes that about him, "But when I make friends with someone, that's it for me. Whether you backstab or not, that's your choice. I'll think about what I'll do if you do backstab me. Until then, you're my friend."

That's when Tae-oh bursts in with news, and the three of them head to the hospital to join Joon-jae for his father's funeral. They find him sitting on the ground in the hallway, and the boys step aside to give him and Chung some privacy.

She kneels by him and cradles him to her, and he cries in her arms. He asks Chung to erase his memories of his father, saying, "Good memories hurt because they're good, and bad memories hurt because they're bad. All of my memories of my father hurt so much."

Chung replies, "But I can't erase them. No matter how much they hurt, you loved your father. Memories of love should be carried with you even if they're painful."

Joon-jae blames himself for not arriving quickly enough to save his father, for not hating him a little less, and for not answering that last call to tell Dad he forgave him and loved him. And now he can't say the words, no matter how badly he wants to.

Chung tells him consolingly, "Some things can be understood without saying the words. He will have known."

A short while later, Chi-hyun leads his mother toward the mortuary, and Joon-jae stiffens at the sight of them. Stepmom collapses in tears and acts like the classic grief-stricken widow, wailing that she won't be able to live without her husband. Chung holds Joon-jae's hand throughout Stepmom's display, which ends in her fainting in shock.

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