Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 17 Recap

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Chung grabs Dae-young's hand in preparation to wipe his memory, and is flooded with memories from his life, both past and present. She sees how Dam-ryung died in the sea to save Se-hwa, and realizes that Joon-jae lied about their happy ending.

Devastated, she lets go of Dae-young's hand, and he looks around in surprise, asking who she is and where they are. He looks genuinely confused when she calls him a killer and says that she heard the screams of his victims. He asks who he supposedly killed, while images of his victims flit through his mind.

Chung thinks, Born with blessings and raised as somebody's family, they fell in love and dreamed of a future growing old with that person. Aloud, she adds, "You took those people's futures and destroyed them in one moment."

Dae-young says he doesn't know what she's talking about, but Chung says she'll do the same to him, and turn his life into a blank slate, "So that you can't remember anything, or receive forgiveness."

Nervously, he backs away from her as steps toward him, until he reaches the railing of the roof. He suddenly pulls out a knife and holds it up at her, but Chung grabs his arm and easily overpowers him, and the knife clatters to the ground.

She closes her eyes to finish the memory job, and this time, the vision from the past continues where it left off: As Dam-ryung dies in the water, Se-hwa drives the harpoon through herself to die with him.

In the present, Chung clutches her chest as though feeling the same jab, and Dae-young seizes the moment to run. She falls to her knees, doubled over in pain.

Dae-young collides with a pedestrian in his haste to get away, and the man recognizes his face as the fugitive killer. He hurries away, while the man calls the authorities to report the sighting.

Joon-jae faces his resistant father and pleads with him one last time to trust him and leave together. Dad refuses again, and Joon-jae has no choice but to leave him there, turning away with tears falling from his eyes. Joon-jae rejoins his teammates, and they leave the house together.

Stepmom arrives to crash Jin-joo's gathering, and Jin-joo pretends to be surprised to see her here. She says that she didn't invite her because she didn't want Stepmom feeling uncomfortable, and when Stepmom asks why that would be, that's Jin-joo's cue to call out for "unni" to join them.

In steps Mom, looking supremely elegant as she joins the table. Ooh, this should be good.

Chung arrives to an empty house and looks around wistfully, thinking how happy she was here: No matter how cold it was outside, it was a warm place I could come back to. A place to talk with you, and laugh, and eat, and play. A place where I could see you anytime, where I could love you whole-heartedly. But I don't think I can be here, next to you.

At the gathering, Jin-joo tells Stepmom that she may as well stay, since she's already here. Then she explains why she called them together, introducing Mom as Chairman Heo's first wife and telling the story of her dramatic reunion with her long-lost son. The ladies are appropriately thrilled by the story, while Stepmom looks sour.

Mom tells Stepmom in a tone of steely calm, "I told you I would find our Joon-jae and restore him to his rightful place. Look forward to it."

But Stepmom replies that it won't be easy restoring him to his original place, "Because that place has disappeared." She announces to the group that her husband recently notarized a will leaving everything to her and Chi-hyun, which startles everyone.

Stepmom tells everyone pointedly that she'll remember their faces, and that they ought to pray they'll never need her help in the future. The ladies fidget uncomfortably, and after Stepmom leaves, Jin-joo erupts into incredulous exclamations at how the chairman must be crazy. Mom sits there silently, holding her upset reaction in.

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