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These voices in my head are driving me insane

At least that's what I thought.

But no.

It's just those almost teenage thoughts.

I shouldn't be having them dad says.

But according to him,

I shouldn't be walking,



Or dancing.

I asked him why today.

He said,

"Because, technically,

You're only a month old.

But in reality,

You're growing and maturing into a teen.

I just want my little Maar-Maar

To stay my "little" Maar-Maar"

I then asked,

"Will you still love me?"

He said,

"I'll always love you,

And no matter what anyone says,

You'll still be my little Maar-Maar."

I felt Happy.

-Maarchje J.

When A Loved One Dies: A Star Wars Rebels StoryWhere stories live. Discover now