Finding Out You're a Metahuman

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Barry Allen
At first, Barry's a little thrown off. He's used to being the big-shot at S.T.A.R. Labs, with Cisco being helpful back home. But he adjusts, and comes to rely on you almost as much as the Speed Force.

Caitlin Snow
Caitlin's first inclination is to run tests. Lots of tests. She knows more about you than you know about you by the end.

Cisco Ramon
The first thing Cisco does is give you an epic name. Then begins the work on a suit...

Eddie Thawne
Eddie is completely thrown off. He walks on eggshells and asks awkward questions for days before deciding things are still normal.

Eobard Thawne
He just smiles. Sucker probably knew all along. Hell, he probably made you.
Sigh. You love that infuriating man.

Harrison Wells
Harrison begins computing your abilities, weaknesses and thresholds. You join in, quietly reassuring him that you're perfectly safe and he needn't worry.

Henry Allen
Henry is as proud as any man ever was. You're almost surprised he doesn't go on Central City news and broadcast it to the world.

Hunter Zolomon
Hunter looks at you like you told him it's Christmas. He badgers you more than ever to join him, and constantly coaches you on how to become better.

Iris West
She runs an article on you, asks if she can interview you, and heavily considers a blog. You're slightly disturbed but mostly delighted.

Joe West
Joe just shakes his head and laughs, wondering if anyone isn't a Meta these days.

Wally West
At first, Wally doesn't believe you. Then he thinks that's the coolest thing ever. After that, nothing changes. You love how well Wally rolls with the punches.

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