A Stakeout

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Barry Allen

Barry gets antsy around stakeouts. He prefers to run in and run out in the blink of an eye. The patience of it all is frustrating to Barry.

But having you beside him makes it much more bearable.

Caitlin Snow

Caitlin is always happy to spend time with you. And she's very good at what she does. With a combination of logic, tech, and your moral support, there's no way she'll miss anything.

Cisco Ramone

There's nothing you and Cisco like better than geeking out over a stakeout. Sometimes he plays a Mission Impossible loop, and brings super-cool sunglasses to be mysterious behind. By the end, both of you forget to be serious and mysterious and are mostly being dorky by talking in Supernatural quotes.

Eddie Thawne

The first time you and Eddie went on a stakeout together, he sort of forgot he was on a stakeout. He kept watching you instead of the buildings you were parked outside, and was constantly making sweet talk in the oh-so natural way of his.

To be honest, he's not much better, but you wouldn't have it any other way.

Eobard Thawne

Eobard's stakeouts are perfectly focused. You two never deviate from your work.

Well, you crack a joke or drop a flirty line or two. But nothing too distracting.

Harrison Wells

Harrison is focused but easy-going. He never gets distracted, but loves to keep up a conversation with you. To be honest, it's not much different from anything else you do together.

Henry Allen

Henry's always excited to have a stakeout. At first, the others sent him mostly out of pity. He wanted to be helpful, but seemed to have no real talents. But Henry proved to be very diligent at a stakeout, and always calm when whatever you were waiting for appeared.

And he always made sure there were plenty of comforts packed in the van.

Hunter Zolomon

Hunter wears that semi-insane grin of his the entire time, and the longer you watch him the more you fall in love. There's something incredibly endearing about his passion... if not his methods.

Iris West

Iris was delighted about the first and bored before it was ever over. She only agrees to go if you do too, so you're sent as a pair from time to time. She's easily distracted by the music, her phone... or you. Not that you mind in the least.

Joe West

Joe is an expert on stakeouts. He brings plenty of coffee and some of the best sandwiches you've ever had. He knows the perfect radio station for any time of day, and has enough stories to keep anyone entertained.

You always bring donuts, just because they make him laugh.

Wally West

Wally will do anything that involves a car or you, including sitting in one with you for hours at a time. You two never run out of something to talk about, and you consider it to constitute some of your favorite memories.

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