A Typical Day With Them

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Barry Allen
You're in a groggy morning mood while Barry is crackling with energy. Literally. He showers you in morning sunshine, breakfast and coffee, which gives you the get-up-n-go to get up and go.
He likes to check in on you at random points in the day. You'll be working, and suddenly he's there acting casual. Or being on fire, if he forwent the suit. He'll bring you some lunch, and even take you home. You certainly don't miss the public transportation.
That evening, you'll hang out alone, with the West's, or with Barry's friends at S.T.A.R. Labs. You never have to be alone with Barry by your side.

Caitlin Snow
Every day follows the exact same routine. Until you intervene, of course.
Caitlin picks you up at seven every morning and drives you to work. You eat the lunch she made, then go home with her while discussing your day.
But some mornings you throw off all her plans by announcing that you've scheduled a surprise trip, or you'll go to S.T.A.R. Labs to take her out for the day. It might upset her at first, but Caitlin always has fun with you in the end.

Cisco Ramone
Breakfast is usually chock-full of sugar, followed by Cisco's own energy drink for the Hard Working Millenial. You work your butts off, then spend the evening (and probably most of the night) watching movies or playing games.

Eddie Thawne
Eddie loves a traditional life. Breakfast, work, lunch, taking out the metahumans that are wreaking havoc on Central City, paper work, coming home to supper. A nice, quiet existence with his favorite person in the world.

Eobard Thawne
A typical day with Eobard is filled with plenty of cryptic statements and patiently carrying out plans. Not exactly normal, but close enough for you two.

Harrison Wells
The routine hardly alters. You both work at S.T.A.R. Labs, keeping Barry on his feet and threats in CC minimal.
Harrison lives in S.T.A.R. Labs, so he's always waiting when you how up with the first round of coffee. The two of you spend the morning keeping an eye on Barry, usually working in the Cortex. You keep fueled with Big Belly Burger until you work your way down the labs to build devices and puzzle over theories together. When the coffee runs out and neither of you are thinking straight, Wells calls it a night.

Henry Allen
A day with Henry is never the same as the last. The man is full of life, and ready for another adventure every day after being trapped in Iron Heights for so long.
One day he might be cooking, the next he'll take a pottery class, and then he might be serenading you with a guitar.

Hunter Zolomon
A typical day with Hunter is spent mostly without him as he carries out multiple lives. He's always certain to keep you cared for, however. He shows up like a clockwork to bring food, a random gift, or simply to be there. And you make sure every moment counts.

Iris West
A day isn't typical if Iris isn't getting into some sort of trouble. Whether she's following a dangerous lead or ticking off important people, you can guarantee to have some issue to discuss by nightfall.
Iris is pretty independent. She loves spending time with you, but the day is her own and does she ever own it.

Joe West
Joe's days are pretty set in routine, but built to be flexible enough for whatever craziness CC has in store.
He starts with the morning coffee–a staple for anyone associated with S.T.A.R. Labs, really–and goes to work. A few cases and Metas later, he's back home with you. He hasn't died yet, so it seems to work well.

Wally West
I'm going to refrain from doing this one till I've seen Season 3, since he takes on quite a few life changes. So has everyone, really, but that's when Wally gets the most character development. Sorry, Flashlings!

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