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you ever notice how when you draw two hearts, one ends up uglier than the other?

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you ever notice how when you draw two hearts, one ends up uglier than the other?

that was the very reason why I was hesitant to even deface the picture of Genesis David. First of all, the yearbook staff has worked hard trying to attain the perfect picture of Mr. Best All Around. Secondly, he was art all on his own. What the hell could I have added to an already complete masterpiece?

then i remembered: this is my yearbook, and I can do whatever I want with it. Besides, putting a heart on the picture of the guy I've been crushing on since seventh grade would be something cute to look at in ten years or so.

So I grabbed a red Sharpie and my handy-dandy heart stamp pens and began to create. I used the stamps to fill in blank space while the Sharpie was only going to be utilized for a single heart.

I was currently in homeroom, where teachers had just passed out yearbooks. We actually weren't supposed to get them until after prom, but according to the sponsor of the yearbook club, there was a mix-up with the dates. No one cared though. As long as the books looked good, and they were actually worth half of our senior dues.

Everyone was going around signing each other's yearbooks, smiling and laughing; meanwhile, I was in the back of the class, in a corner, because all of my friends were in the homerooms that contained D, M, and H last names.

I was stuck with the W's.

Nasira Woods

I rolled my eyes at the thought of graduation. It was a no-brainer that I'd be at the end of the program, right before a Yancey and a Young.

I waited until I knew for sure that the ink I had put on the picture was dry before I flipped to the front cover and wrote my name on the "this book belongs to" line.

I skimmed the book for a little while longer, avoiding the page that had Genesis David's picture on it just in case someone would see the editing I did. . . not that anyone was looking, but you can never be too sure, y'know?

While doing so, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I cautiously pulled it out. My homeroom teacher couldn't care less about the "no phone during school hours" policy, but seeing as though the administrators were known for doing random pop-ups in different classes just to see if anyone was on their phones, I didn't want to get too comfortable with being on my phone during school.

I smirked at the text I had received from one of my best friends, Miracle.

"Genesis is lookin' extra scruptious
on the superlative page. you better
watch out before I snatch your
man, Nas. 😂"

"Go ahead and snatch him.
you're already in the same
room with him rn."

Like Genesis David would be interested in me anyway. . . He doesn't even know who I am. If he saw me on the street, he probably wouldn't even recognize me as one of his peers here at Lincoln High.

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