Chapter 3

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Ancient Runes is a class Hermione absolutely adores. The challenge it presents and the history she discovers always make for an interesting time. Ignoring the more obnoxious students turns into an easy task once she starts delving into her translations. On one particular morning though, Professor Babbling stops teaching earlier than usual and turns to survey the class. 

Hermione knows that mischievous glint in her eyes, has seen it in all her friends' eyes at some point in past years, and thinks she won't like whatever Babbling is going to say. 

"I've decided to give you all a project," Professor Babbling announces, and the class groans. With a swipe of her hand, she tells the room to go silent, and they all listen immediately. "To assure that there will be a mixing between houses, I will also be choosing your partner." 

Sighing, Hermione shuts her textbook and slips it into her already overloaded bag. Not one of her friends, new or old, has taken this class. 

Professor Babbling works her way through a list she accio's from her office, calling out a pair of names. Each time she does, two students stand and find an empty table together. As the list goes on, Hermione's dread grows, and then finally the professor gets to her name. 

"Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy," Babbling says, and Hermione's heart sinks. 

Hermione understands, of course. They're well matched as the top students in class, but that doesn't mean she likes it. She rises from her seat, hefting her bag onto her shoulder. With every eye glued to her, she marches to the back of the room where he sits with her head raised high. Draco doesn't even glance her way when she drops her bag onto the table beside him with a loud thunk. 

Coughing quietly, Professor Babbling shouts, "get to work! Today is the only day I'm giving you to work in class and your projects will be due at the end of the month. I'll be around to give you the piece you'll be translating." 

Even with the attention of of her, Hermione is rigid in her seat. Babbling rushes through the room, handing everyone a scroll, and grumbles of discontent fill the room as they take in how long it is. Hermione snatches theirs before Draco can. 

Once Babbling has moved past them, Hermione mutters, "I'm not in any mood to hear you demand I do the work, so I'll save you the trouble. I can do the translations and you can put your name on it, and no one will be any the wiser." She's hardly reached for her quill before he's speaking. 

"Pardon?" He grounds out, "I don't need you doing my work. If anything,I should be the one doing it. I'm the best at Ancient Runes." 

Hermione rolls her eyes and unrolls the scroll, recognizing the first word after a few moments. She scribbles it down then mutters, "the professor paired us together because we have equal ability." 

With a scoff, he snatches her quill and holds it far out of reach. The movement jars some ink off of the tip, splattering her clean parchment and Hermione grips onto the desk to keep from reaching for her wand. The wood creaks quietly in protest. "Anyone with eyes can see I'm better than you," he taunts. 

Her eyes narrow to slits and a bevy of comebacks are poised to shoot out at him, but she snaps her mouth shut and takes a slow breath through her nose. She lets the desk go. "Stop trying to rile me up," Hermione sighs. 

Draco tips his chin up so he can stare down his nose at her. "I'm not trying anything," he lies. "I'm just speaking the truth." 

She stares him down. "If all you're going to do is try and argue, then you're far too much of a child to handle this project. I'll do the work." She watches his fingers curl up into fists, but she doesn't flinch away. Her brow raises, glancing between his clenched fists and his face, daring him. 

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