Who are you to tell me I can't live the life I was destined for?
Today felt entirely different. I couldn't really explain it. It was as if I was opening my eyes for the first time. I felt fresh, I felt new and free. It was almost overwhelming. Was something going to happen?
I looked up at the sky gracefully, with a bright smile. The way the different blues coordinated with the grey and white streaks from the clouds was amazing. The view made me feel that the world was quiet today.
It was only around lunch time and I had exactly another 35 minutes before class.
So I took my time and enjoyed sitting by my favorite tree that was surrounded by roses and daisy's, with a little pond right in the front. The sight to me was always breathtaking. How a school had this type of view was beyond me. But I wasn't complaining.
Hearing the bell ring signaling it was time for the last period of the day I got up. I placed my sketchbook back into my bag, along with all my other school nonsense and walked back towards the front doors.
As I walked inside, not even a second later I was being pushed into my own locker, being lifted up from the collar of my shirt.
Sorry shirt, I know you hate to be wrinkled. I almost laughed at my own internal joke.
"You piece of shit, where's my homework?" Joshua spat out coldly in my face starring at me with out most disgust. His little crew laughing behind him. Assholes
Joshua was the school asshole and he nor anybody else in this school really liked me much. I didn't really give them the attention they wanted and they never liked that since the moment I started at this high school.
"'s in my b..bag.." I stupidly stuttered as he dropped me on the cold floor. Way to go Laska.
I quickly regained my composure, grabbing my bag and unzipping it with an amazing quickness. Joshua wasn't one to fuck around with, and making him wait was something anybody in this school would regret doing. Grabbing his homework out my bag I shakily held my hands out towards him, causing him to snatch it directly out my hands. Rude ass heffa.
"Better have, next time hurry the fuck up." He said pushing me into the locker once more before walking off with his crew. I had to hold back the urge to roll my eyes.
Feeling the sudden urge to cry I closed my eyes, taking a few deep breaths. Inhale...exhale...In..and out..
No I'm stronger than that.
School was finally over after what felt like a lifetime. I just couldn't wait to get away from this shithole.
The moment the bell rung I was already out the school doors running to my bike, riding my way home.
Once my 15 minute ride of hell was over and I was in the graceful presence of my house, I dropped my bike in the yard, jogging to the door and opening it with inhumane quickness.
I was immediately hit with the scent of fresh bread and lit vanilla candles. I took in a deep sniff of the smell..damn I needed that. I noticed my mother sitting down at the dinning table, reading a book. My mother was beautiful without a doubt, her beautiful dark skin, her dark brown eyes, and her pretty brown dreadlocks with blond tips, my mom looked angelic. But trust she wasn't one to fuck with.
"Hey Maui!" She looked up at me with a smile, showing her perfect white pearly teeth, My mother always called me Maui, and I don't think she'll ever stop. Hell..I don't even know where the nickname came from.

Brutality: We All Gotta Live Someday
Fiksi UmumThe world has broken into chaos, mentally people can't handle the shift and sudden turns of events. Different stories, but a shared emotion. Different turns of events but a common objective. What does a person have to do to achieve living life?