Part 1

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"You can't leave me just like that. You just can't".

I was murmuring something to myself while I was sitting by my mother's hospital bed. Nobody was in here with me, although I was promised that I wouldn't have to do this by myself. "We'll always be there for you", they said. "Whatever you need, just call us up and we'll come running". Where are you now, you bloody liars? I should have known.

My mother's eyes opened for a short second, and then her heavy lids fell over them again. My heart skipped a beat for a second as she grabbed my arm, the arm with which I was holding her for the past two hours.

"Mommy? You okay?" Why was I even asking? Of course she wasn't. Anyone could have seen it from her face, her pale, wrinkled face that occasionally turned red when she was over-heated, which was really rare. She was almost always cold, shivering under a dozen of blankets.

The doctor walked into the room, carrying his little notebook, not even caring to look at me nor even my mother. He looked at the machines, stabbed the needle deeper into my mother's arm and squeezed the little bag of some white liquid that was flowing into my mother's veins. I cringed. I hated blood, veins and needles more than anything, yet today I had to look at them every goddamn day.

"What's going on? How is her... everything?", I asked, not knowing why he had suddenly started frowning as if he were looking at the most perplex math problem.

"Doesn't seem well. Her pulse is getting weaker each time I come in. Sorry to say, she has maybe about two days left", according to his tone, he wasn't sorry at all. He was just lying, lying like it was what he was getting paid for. I felt something cold rip my heart in a half and a tear formed in my left eye, the one that always had tears coming from it first. I don't know why, I just know that it also used to happen to my mom. While she even had the strength to cry... Now? She hasn't the strength to breathe.

The doctor, Mr. White, went out of the room, wrote something else down while on the door and then finally looked at me. "You know what? You can forget about it. My mother is dying here, can we just forget the past already?! She obviously needs help and you're acting like a complete jerk!", I yelled at him, suddenly. Yeah, we used to be together, Mr. White and I.

He thought I was cheating on him with my best friend, but I really wasn't. He never trusted me again and we broke up, so isn't it just perfect to get him as a doctor in charge for my mother's life?

"This is not about me, or us, it's about my MOTHER, Daniel! I can't understand how you can be so rude to a woman that is dying here!", I almost screamed this words out and a couple of nurses that were passing by looked at me as if I were the looney one in this room.

Daniel breathed out, closed his eyes and then opened them again, this time only halfway.

"There's nothing I can do, miss. Your mother is a cancer victim and even the best of doctors couldn't cure her".

"But you aren't even going to try? And stop calling me 'miss'. It makes me cringe".

"I tried! She had chemotherapy, we tried all sorts of pain-killers but nothing works, damn it! You can't expect from me to do miracles just because she's your mother. Grow the damn up!" I felt as if he just slapped me across the face and I turned around almost instantly, tears streaming down my face.

"Get out", I murmured, and then I screamed: "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

I felt the veins on my neck pulse with anger and frustration and I just shut my eyes as tight as I could.

I hated that goddamn man. Little did I know that it would not remain that way forever.

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